Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Prayer story

The Razor story
A 16-year-old boy was finding it annoying that his beard was beginning to grow. He went to his father and asked for a razor. The father saw that he had a need and said “Sure, son. You need it and it’s good for you.”

The boy’s 14-year-old sister saw the razor the brother got and felt jealous. She went to the father and asked for a razor as well saying she wanted it for her beard. The father said, “My girl, you don’t need a razor, besides you may even cut yourself. So, no.”

Their little 6-year-old brother saw his brother’s razor and wanted one. He went to his father and asked for a razor for his beard. The father said, “Ok Son, but you have to wait, you don’t need it yet. Besides you may hurt yourself. I will give it to you at the right time.”

Just like the father in the story, God loves us and wants to give us what’s the best for us. So, his answer to our prayers could be Yes, No or Wait. The key is for us to know that He loves us.

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