Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Life is a journey of discovery

When are you born? We cannot choose when we are born, how we are born. Life is such an amazing thing as we just suddenly appear in this world. Have you ever wondered why you are born and where do you originate? I am a Christian, I believe that humans are God’s creations and humans are created to glorify God.  

So what is life to you?  

One of the important and magical things in life is time. Time can change a lot of things. These include our thinking, our abilities, our environment and so on. When I am younger, I always hope to become an adult as soon as possible. However, many of us when we are finally an adult, we feel like being a child is not that bad after all. 

I remember when I am younger, I am very confident and in love with myself very much. Besides, I don’t worry too much and I often indulge myself in happiness and fun. 

However, as time passes, there are many things which happened. Failed relationship, unstable job and income, sickness, so on and so forth. I start to feel weak and tired at certain point of life. 

I think it’s important that we acknowledge that we need help. We need to understand that we can choose to be happy and focus on happiness or so called the “positive side” of life. I think it’s very true because our thoughts could bring tremendous effect in our life. 

We need to start to understand ourself and what are the things which are suitable and beneficial in life in order to live a happy and enjoyable life, like how others say, “live life to the fullest”. 

There are a lot of time, we might be thinking others are having better lives than us. However, it might not be 100% true. This is because we will never fully live another person’s life. Besides, we only able to live as ourself. The body which our soul is temporarily assigned into.  

Therefore, I think it’s wise to take good care of ourself and start learning what is best for us. This does not mean that we are being selfish. We should always be available for those who are in need because we are humans. We are made of flesh heart. Deep down in our soul we know that we need to be “human”. 

For me, life is a journey of discovery, we rise, we fall, we will rise again until the day we take our last breath. No matter what lies ahead, we should always keep going and believe that better days are coming. We should plan ahead but also live and enjoy the current moment. This is because time will always move forward without returning.  

Everyone has different situations to deal with. No matter what situation or circumstance you are in right now. My prayer is that you will always face life with a smile and help others to smile too.  


Thank you and may God bless you :)