Yeah... It's time for countdown again!
How do you feel right now?
Excited? Sad? Nervous?
Well, for me, I feel kinda excited.. even though I know I am getting older.. I know that it's a process of life. When I see some elder people standing at bus stop waiting for bus, I always wonder will I turn into one of them very soon? I know I will, but I will still stay young in my heart.. HAHA..
Last time I was used to people calling me MUI MUI (means younger sister), but now.. I realized that more and more people are calling me JIE JIE (means elder sister) instead of MUI MUI. I wonder how long it takes for people to call me AUNTY >.< or even PO PO.. Haha.. I know I am thinking a little bit too far, but.. seriously.. time flies.. I remember when I was young as in when I was still studying in kindergarten or even primary school, I always complained that time is moving way too slow. I wish to be like a BIG jie jie study in secondary school, and I always admire secondary school uniform as it's much nicer than the primary sch one. Hehe.. This is just my personal opinion. But now, I am already a college student. When I first came into college, honestly speaking, I couldn't accept the fact that I am already in college level. What would happen in few years more? Nobody knows, indeed.
Anyway, this year has been a great year to me. Even though I experienced something which caused me a lot of pains. However, in life there is sorrows and joys. If we have God walking with us, everyday is a HAPPY DAY. Indeed, without God I could hardly imagine how would I be like now. I am really glad that I know God. At least when I am having some problems, I know who shall I look for. That's GOD. I love God because He loves me very much. Friends and family might fail us, but God never fails.
Besides, I would really like to thank some important friends which have played an important role in my life helping me to go through my pain and of course my happiness as well. They know who they are. So I need not mention their name. Hehe..
What happened in 2011?
Let me do a quick summary of my 18 years old life.
1. First time working
* The first job I get is working as a cashier in a gift shop in Sungei Wang. Haha.. Well, I only worked for less than a month. To be precise, maybe worked for only half of a month. I met with some new friends when I was working. I enjoyed working because my work is so relaxing. I miss my working time so much. And of course, I miss my working partner too, Wai Soon. LOL.. He is indeed a humorous and friendly guy.
2. First time entering college - TARC
* Well, say BYEBYE to St Mary School and now I am officially a TARC-ian. Entering college life is like moving into another stage of life and my life will never be the same again. Wow, it sounds scary though. HAHA.. Erm.. college life means what to me? I think it means that I have to rely more on myself rather than other people. In short, I must be more independent. But of course FROG (Fully Rely On God) is what I shall not forget. College life is indeed very different from primary sch or secondary sch life. There is no more like so-called rules or regulation. Even though there is, there will be no one to stop you from breaking the rules. Many people may claimed that they have freedom now. Anyway, I always believe what my Sunday School teacher taught me is right. True freedom is we can don't do what we don't want to do. Well, college is really a good place for me to learn how to grow in a faster manner.
3. Talentime Night 2011
* Well, first of all, I wanna praise the Lord for giving me this opportunity to join Talentime Night in TARC. My group - D'Angels has won the first place for group singing category. It's indeed something I should really thank God and thank to all of my group mates. They did a wonderful job and I enjoyed every moment I have spent with them. Talentime night aka TT nite. I have learned a lot of things from seniors. I really hope that TT nite will always be there. I am sure that I would be glad to see more and more TT junior coming soon :)
4. Getting CGPA 3.9 for first year sem 1
* I know that it's indeed by God's grace and mercy that I could achieve this good result. I am not sharing this out to praise myself but to praise the Lord which always grant me with wisdom and guidance. He is the source of wisdom. :) God is willing to help us, what we need to do is just to ask Him for help and we do our part too. =)
5. First love
* I am sorry to say that I have already break up with my EX, which is also my first love, Mr Ban. I would not like to mention his full name just to protect him and respect him. However, let bygones be bygones. I wish him always happy and found his true love one day. Of course I pray that he would come to believe in Jesus one day so that he will get eternal life too. And, I am single now, you may consider me, ONLY if you really seriously love me. Play boys, don't ever come near me.
6. Baptism
* Yea.. I am 18 now and I can now proudly accept baptism by myself instead of my parents. For those who don't know what my belief is, yea.. I am a Christian and I am proud to be a Christian. Being a Christian doesn't mean that I am perfect and holy. I am still weak, but I will rely on God to be a better person and I know I would follow Jesus.
7. Good friends
* I am really grateful that God bless me with a lot a lot of true friends. I know they are always there whenever I need them. They are true friends indeed, as we know that a friend in need is a friend indeed. I wanna thank them for all the things they have done for me. I really really appreciate it much.
8. Secret
* LOL.. I am secretly in love with... MYSELF.. wakakakaka..
*Kena fooled*
YES! You are right, I am still that LAME.
Well, thank God for guiding me throughout this year.
I am sorry for all the wrong things which I have done.
I wanna be a better person in the coming years.
I love you, Lord.
Goodbye to 2011 and say Hi to 2012.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
DJ Flora Low 刘雅恩 ^^
- pod·cast
noun /ˈpädˌkast/
podcasts, plural
A multimedia digital file made available on the Internet for downloading to a portable media player, computer, etc
The definition of podcast is stated as above. This is the first podcast I produced by myself. Well, it seems quite interesting to record a podcast. U can train yourself to talk with feelings and emotions. On the other hand, we learn how to plan the script as well. Before I started record my first podcast, I was wondering what would be the suitable material to be broadcasted. The idea of sharing something meaningful came into my mind and thus I started to search for meaningful stories. In the end, I found this story. Hope u guys enjoy my first podcast. =) There will be more coming soon.. |
Support my page too.. thanks <3
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Long time no see! *Talentime night 2011*
Well.. It has been a long time I have abandoned my pretty little bloggy..
Awww.. dun sad ya my blog.. I am back here to sayang u ^^
Lots of things happened of course..
In fact, too many things happened recently till I dunno where should I start telling from..
Maybe I will only touch on certain important incidents that took place in the past few months of my college life..
First and foremost, I would like to share with u guys about one of my unforgettable memories in TARC.. Without doubt, it's the "Talentime Night 2011"...
"Talentime Night" is one of the events that targets all the freshmen in TARC. Therefore, it can be considered as an important event for freshmen especially for those who take part in it..
Indeed, I had a great time enjoying all the practises and performances..
25 June 2011 was d actual night of Talentime night 2011..
All of us were so excited.. seriously, no words can describe how excited we were on that very night..
We had spent almost 2 months time for this event..
Of course we were all so touched on that night..
Thank God for His grace and mercy, my group "D'Angels" won champion for group singing category that night.. tell you the truth, we did not expect that we would win that night cause we received a lot of negative comments during the 2nd P&P..
Anyway, I am so glad that I was one of the finalists of TARC Talentime Night 2011..
It was indeed a great experience that I will never forget for the rest of my life..
P/s: I would like to say a big THANK YOU to my group members- Moon Wong, Xhirley and Christine for everything ^^ I love you all ^^
LOL.. I dun really rmbr what happened dy.. I shall continue next time xP
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Movie + Wing's cafe
Well, today is a PHD aka Public HoliDay.. xD
LOL.. S.Yeong, Aaron and I went to KLCC to watch movie.
Erm.. there wasn't many ppl as I thought at there actually.
Basically what we did are watching movie, eating and walking around KLCC.
That's it.. Ha ha.. We actually planned to hang out yesterday night.. LOL..
That's why ended up din know what we were doing.. xD
We watched the movie "PAUL"...
Erm.. it's quite hilarious... but contains lot of dirty words.. =S
After watching movie, we went back home lu..
HAHA.. at night, we went to Wing's Musicafe..
Erm.. no singer yet..
The food is quite EXP..
LOL.. nth special coz no singer yet xD
Okla.. now so sad coz know that the audition for singer for wing's is closed =(
Sad la.. Anyway.. There're many more things i can do xD
Gambateh for TT night! ^^
God bless u all xD
LOL.. S.Yeong, Aaron and I went to KLCC to watch movie.
Erm.. there wasn't many ppl as I thought at there actually.
Basically what we did are watching movie, eating and walking around KLCC.
That's it.. Ha ha.. We actually planned to hang out yesterday night.. LOL..
That's why ended up din know what we were doing.. xD
We watched the movie "PAUL"...
Erm.. it's quite hilarious... but contains lot of dirty words.. =S
After watching movie, we went back home lu..
HAHA.. at night, we went to Wing's Musicafe..
Erm.. no singer yet..
The food is quite EXP..
LOL.. nth special coz no singer yet xD
Okla.. now so sad coz know that the audition for singer for wing's is closed =(
Sad la.. Anyway.. There're many more things i can do xD
Gambateh for TT night! ^^
God bless u all xD
Monday, May 9, 2011
My first week in TARC
3rd May 2011 (Tues)
Today is the first day of my college life. Once I stepped into TARC.. I saw lots of people. I knew that I was in the right college as most of you know that TARC is HUGE..!! When I almost reached TARC, I saw lots of freshmen lining up to get their T-shirt as well as a plastic file filled with student handbook, pen, pendrive and so on...
Nah.. These are what I found in the plastic file except for d student ID.
After changing into d TARC shirt, we were all gathered in the college hall which can fit about 2k of people. Guess what?? I saw Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting (Chinese: 黃家定; pinyin: Huáng Jiādìng) [ a Malaysian politician and a former Minister of Housing and Local Government in the Malaysian cabinet. He is also the former President of the Malaysian Chinese Association and is the Member of Parliament for Kulai.] *copied from Haha.. It's because he came to our college to give us a speech.
After the mass call, we were led by some seniors to tour around the college.. We were being dismissed after the tour. I heard from Chen Hoe that he had made his student ID.. therefore, I went to CC to make my student ID as well, met with some new frens, they are so humorous and frenly.. ^^
When I was waiting for PV10 bus, I saw my roommate, so we waited d TARC bus together. However, the TARC din come, so in the end we took metro bus and walked back to PV10. LOL... My eyes detected Domino's.. So my roommate and I decided to tapau (bungkus) d Domino's pizza.. ^^
So nice ya xD
End of the 1st day..
My roommate (Sharon) and I ^^
4th May 2011 (Wed)
Today is the 2nd day of my college life. Walked to d respective building by myself. What we did is actually introducing ourself and choosing course rep. Nothing special for me.. I dun rmbr what I did on the second day.. But i know someone betrayed me and I was emo for a long time. HAHA.. and yea.. met 2 new frens, Shen Yeong and Joel.. xD They are Aaron and Wai Jin's frens.
5th May 2011 (Thurs)
This is a wonderful day to me. Why? I am sure you're wondering now.. Yea.. I went to d Talentime night a.k.a TT nite audition. I was quite nervous when I stepped into d audition classroom.. I sang 2 songs, 很想很想你 and I believe I can fly. In d end, they requested me to sing 记得... So basically I sang 3 songs.
Aaron and Wai Jin decided to go redbox in Low Yat to sing k. They invited me as well.. So 3 of us actually took bus to Lot 10 and went to redbox sing k. LOL.. Both of them sang only english songs, as for me, I sang mostly Chinese songs xD
When I was back to PV10, I received a call from TT nite commy, she told me that I was being selected to be one of finalists for TT nite. I asked her whether I should go for the second audition and she told me I straight away become d finalist, no need 2nd audition. I was so so so HAPPY at that moment and I really wanna thank God for His grace and mercy. It's so unexpected!!! Hallelujah!!
6th May 2011 (Fri)
9am I went to d ATCL- Adjustment To College Life.
We played some ice breakers and amazing race.
Get to know some new frens.
Jason Lee, Vaan, Kim and so on.
2.30pm I went to TT nite briefing. I saw my 有料不怕 show singing partner there. She is one of the finalists too. Haha.. xD
After the briefing, I went to SSH office and submitted the photocopy of my SPM slip, the person in charge said a "Wow" when he saw my result. Erm.. I dunno why I rmbr this incident. LOL..
My mum came TARC and fetch me back home.
So this is d end of my first week of college life.
It's quite tiring, but at the same time FUN FUN FUN!! xD
I saw lots of my primary and secondary sch frens.
Thank God for putting me in this college.
I am deeply falling in love with it now.
Take care and God bless u.
Have a nice day ^^
Monday, May 2, 2011
I love TARC..
Because I am gonna start my college life in TARC tmr..
The dearest college to me ^^
Erm.. dun ask me how am I feeling now..
Because I dunno as well..
I have a mixed feeling of excited and scared??
Haha.. but I think I can sleep tonight =P
Well, I love where I am staying now.
I juz pindah in to my new room yesterday..
Wanna have a look?
Nice right??
Okay... I can't wait for tmr to come.. xD
Hopefully everything will go smoothly..
All the best to all d new students.
God bless everyone ^^
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Thank God! He has answered my prayer!
So what happened was.. Yeah!! A girl FB msg me asking..
"i nid a room to stay..r u need cnese female only??"
Well, obviously, she's just like me finding for a roommate..
And guess what??
She is a Christian too!!
I was so happy when I realized that she is a Christian as well..
Hmmm.. at least I can hv someone accompany me reading bible as well as praying ^^
Her name is Sharon Stvenmaniam.
Quite easy to rmbr ^^
She told me that she was praying to God to bless her with a room as well as a good roommate..
So it's actually out of out expectation to get a Christian roommate =)
Seriously, I had been so tired searching for a roommate..
Thank God for His grace is sufficient for me.
I love u Lord!
Indeed, God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good.
When you pray continuously, God will answer your prayer in a perfect timing.
What we need to do is trust and obey.
God knows our needs even before we have requested it to Him.
But of course.. God would like to hear our voices praying to Him =)
Aiya... God loves u and me ma.. He misses u lo.. ^^
Hiak Hiak...
My roommate is an indian girl and she comes from Kuantan..
Yeah! I am so happy... do u know why?
It's bcoz..
1. I can learn to speak english/ even tamil
2. I can learn more about Kuantan ^^
Praise the Lord!!!!
Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day ahead..
I pray that you'll be able to experience God's blessing and His wonderful love in your life as well.
Take care, love u ^^
Friday, March 18, 2011
Love one another
We know that we have to love one another juz like how we love ourself..
Anyhow, sometimes we don't know how to start loving others..
I think one of the ways I felt being loved is by hearing nice and encouraging words.
So I wanna learn to praise others more often ^^
Here are some nice words I found ^^
I found them in a website.. hope u hv a great day praising others..
God loves u.. ^^
Anyhow, sometimes we don't know how to start loving others..
I think one of the ways I felt being loved is by hearing nice and encouraging words.
So I wanna learn to praise others more often ^^
Here are some nice words I found ^^
Great! | Phenomenal! | Superb! |
Cool! | Out Of Sight! | Excellent! |
Unbelievable Work! | Two Thumbs Up! | You've Got It! |
Way To Go! | Terrific! | Outstanding Performance! |
You've Outdone Yourself! | Marvelous! | Your Help Counts! |
Amazing Effort! | Bravo! | Exceptional! |
Breathtaking! | Wonderful! | You're Special! |
Keep Up The Good Work! | First Rate Work! | Fantastic Work! |
You Should Be Proud! | I Knew You Had It In You! | Very Good! |
Stupendous! | Sensational! | A+ Work! |
What An Imagination! | Awesome! | You're A Great Example For Others! |
You Made It Happen! | You're A Real Trooper! | It Couldn't Be Better! |
Good For You! | You're A Good Sport! | You Made The Difference! |
Take A Bow! | Super Job! | You're Unique! |
It's Everything I Hoped For! | How Thoughtful Of You! | Nice Going! |
You're A Class Act! | Well Done! | You're Inspiring! |
How Artistic! | You Go The Extra Mile! | Hooray For You! |
Great Answer! | You Deserve A Hug! | High Five! |
Extra Special Work! | Wow! | You're Getting Better! |
You're Tops! | You're Amazing! | What A Great Idea! |
You Figured It Out | You've Got What It Takes! | You're Neat! |
You're A Joy! | You're A Shining Star! | Spectacular Work! |
You're #1! | You Tried Hard! | The Time You Put In Really Shows! |
Remarkable! | Far Out! | How Extraordinary! |
You're A Winner! | You Came Through! | That's Incredible! |
5 Star Work! | You're Super! | You Can Do It! |
You're The Greatest! | Sweet! | Great Effort! |
How Original! | What A Genius! | You're A Natural! |
Very Brave! | You're A Pleasure To Know! | Way To Go! |
You're Sharp! | Congratulations! | I'm Proud Of You! |
Thank You For Caring! | I'm Impressed! | You're Very Talented! |
Great Discovery! | You're A Champ! | Right On! |
You're So Kind! | Thanks For Helping! | You're A-OK! |
Magnificent! | You've Earned My Respect! | You've Made Progress! |
Outstanding Effort! | Neat Work! | I Love It! |
Beautiful! | Clever! | Brilliant! |
That's Perfect! | Right On! | Your Best Work! |
Expressive! | You've Improved! | Keep It Up! |
Nice One! | Wicked! | Incomparable! |
Incredible! | I Appreciate Your Help! | Good Leadership! |
Great Job! | Stunning! | You Rule! |
That's Very Kind! | Keep On Trying! | You Make Me Smile! |
You Rock! | You're An Angel! | That's The Way! |
Good For You! | A Job Well Done! | You're A Good Friend! |
Way To Use Your Head! | Radical! | Alright! |
You're Very Patient! | Wonderful! | Way To Be Responsible! |
Getting Better All The Time! | Worthy Of An Oscar! | Better Than Ever! |
Super Duper! | Great Dedication! | Top Notch! |
Hats Off To You! | Spectacular! | Good Try! |
Very Courageous! | I Like It! | Great Enthusiasm! |
Lovely! | Very Resourceful! | It's A Masterpiece! |
God loves u.. ^^
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The song I composed xD
Yea.. this is the song I won in the national level song composing competition which was organized by UM.. yao lan shou..
Thank God for giving me the inspiration for composing the song..
And I would like to specially thank my fren, Howlette Teng Wei Yip.
He is the one who asked me to compose a song for him..
LOL.. so I composed this song...
Thanks alot alot for the encouragements..
Thanks to my parents and frens who support me all the way as well..
Love u all.. ^^
《自从有了你》 词曲:刘雅恩
自从有了你 我不再拭眼泪
谢谢你 给我的这份友情
自从有了你 我变得很开心
不管晴天雨天 昨天今天还是明天
Monday, March 14, 2011
Photo editor xD
Jun Yin intro to me a photo editor.. 美图秀秀
LOL.. this editor is indeed fun..
coz it has many functions... xD
The photos below were being edited using the photo editor xD
I dun need to tell you which is before and after right? LOL.. xD
Monday, March 7, 2011
Celebrating b'day xD
Well, my b'day is on 30th Jan.
However, since we hv graduated from high sch, we dun get to meet each other so often.
I am indeed blessed to hv frens like u girls.. ^^
You girls are truly important to me..
May God bless each one of you!
Sue Yin, Li Qun, Gin Wei, Chi Yen, Kai Yan..
We had a great time together in Pappa Rich..
I love u girls!!!
God loves u all xD
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Praise the Lord!!
Well, I have received a best valentines gift from God this year.. ^^
I received this gift on the 13.02.2011..
Haha.. Are u wondering what special gift is this?
Yea.. It's I won in a songs composing competition ^^ at national level..
I entered this competition last year, I had nvr expected myself to win in this competition bcoz this competition is at national level.. So I din tell many of my frens I join this competition.
At first I thought I had lost coz there's no news abt this competition anymore, what I meant was the organizer nvr contacted me till 12.02.2011, so I thought mayb I hv lost.
Who knows when I on my FB after attending MIF, I saw someone tagged me in a photo.
At first I was abt to ignore the photo, but I saw that there're some words on the photo, so I clicked the photo..
Oh No! I was like so shocked to see my name in the photo bcoz I won dy!!!
I was so extremely thankful and happy at that very moment.
Out of my happiness, I called Jie Rong, bcoz she's d only person I rmbr I had told her abt this competition b4... I called her and told her this good news..
She was like so shocked to receive my call, coz I seldom call her.. hehe ^^
After calling her, I called my bf, i mean best fren.. LOL..
So bad la.. He still need to do his project, but I went and called him.. LOL..
First of all, I would like to thank my awesome God for giving me the inspiration.
Secondly, I rmbr I composed this song for Mr Howlette Teng Wei Yip,
so I would like to thank him as well.. without his encouragements, I wouldn't hv composed this song ^^
And of coz I would love to take this opportunity to thank all my frens who love and support me all this while.. I love all of u.. muackz muackz!!
I wish I can compose more songs for God and for all of you to listen.
Thank you organizer for choosing my song as one of the winners. ^^
May God bless u and hv a nice day :)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I shall rmbr today forever ^^
My fren needs to go to Sarawak to complete his degree in this April.
I took bus from KL sentral to LCCT to send him to flight? LOL..
It's quite scary to take bus from KL sentral to LCCT, for this is the first time I am doing it.
I was late, I was supposed to take d 8.30am bus.. but I ended up taking the 9am bus.
Anyway, I think I reached there around 9.45am. So I was still able to meet my fren =)
Well, funny things happened!
I almost entered the male toilet.
It's so embarrassing!
And guess what? My fren told me that he nearly entered female toilet.. LOL..
Why so ngam de? Both also so blur.. HAHA..
We planned to eat in a restaurant before we met each other.
However, we ended up drinking Iced Lemon Tea only..
Why was it so? Bcoz both of us din feel like eating.
We went into "taste of asia", erm.. this is the name of d restaurant.
It was so crowded at that moment.
We chatted for awhile..
Then we both agreed to go walk walk..
Who knows? There isn't many shops for us to walk walk..
So, we juz walked around d mini airport..
Lame.. he was asking whether I use perfume or not.
I was first wondering why he asked so.
Then he told me, "I thought of buying perfume as ur b'day present, but since u dun use it, then nvm la.." -.-ll
Well, I would be so embarrassing if I seeing him buying d present in front of me.
Somehow, I did scold him nicely saying, you shouldn't buy a gift in front of a girl..
Anyway, he asked me many times,
asked me in front of perfumes shop, watches shop, specs shop.. -.-ll
I was really sweating alot -.-ll haha..
After walking walking for awhile.. we asked a lady to help us take pic.. -.-ll
made both of us looked so fat fat in the pic oh.. =(
Not pretty le me.. T.T...
Then I gave him his b'day present aft taking d pic,
he walked so far away and kept on saying.. dun want la..
Anyway, he still received it in the end ^^ LOL..
Finally, we said bye bye.. T.T...
So sad.. only can see him again in MAY.. T.T..
Miss him so much oh..
May God bless him wisdom and good health to complete his degree in civil engineering.. ^^
Take care my fren ^^
My fren needs to go to Sarawak to complete his degree in this April.
I took bus from KL sentral to LCCT to send him to flight? LOL..
It's quite scary to take bus from KL sentral to LCCT, for this is the first time I am doing it.
I was late, I was supposed to take d 8.30am bus.. but I ended up taking the 9am bus.
Anyway, I think I reached there around 9.45am. So I was still able to meet my fren =)
Well, funny things happened!
I almost entered the male toilet.
It's so embarrassing!
And guess what? My fren told me that he nearly entered female toilet.. LOL..
Why so ngam de? Both also so blur.. HAHA..
We planned to eat in a restaurant before we met each other.
However, we ended up drinking Iced Lemon Tea only..
Why was it so? Bcoz both of us din feel like eating.
We went into "taste of asia", erm.. this is the name of d restaurant.
It was so crowded at that moment.
We chatted for awhile..
Then we both agreed to go walk walk..
Who knows? There isn't many shops for us to walk walk..
So, we juz walked around d mini airport..
Lame.. he was asking whether I use perfume or not.
I was first wondering why he asked so.
Then he told me, "I thought of buying perfume as ur b'day present, but since u dun use it, then nvm la.." -.-ll
Well, I would be so embarrassing if I seeing him buying d present in front of me.
Somehow, I did scold him nicely saying, you shouldn't buy a gift in front of a girl..
Anyway, he asked me many times,
asked me in front of perfumes shop, watches shop, specs shop.. -.-ll
I was really sweating alot -.-ll haha..
After walking walking for awhile.. we asked a lady to help us take pic.. -.-ll
made both of us looked so fat fat in the pic oh.. =(
Not pretty le me.. T.T...
Then I gave him his b'day present aft taking d pic,
he walked so far away and kept on saying.. dun want la..
Anyway, he still received it in the end ^^ LOL..
Finally, we said bye bye.. T.T...
So sad.. only can see him again in MAY.. T.T..
Miss him so much oh..
May God bless him wisdom and good health to complete his degree in civil engineering.. ^^
Take care my fren ^^
Friday, February 4, 2011
Happy CNY
Well, as usual I went to Penang to celebrate my CNY ^^
Haha.. Sg Petani, Kedah is where my mother was born.
However, she was brought up in Penang. That's why I always come to Penang ^^
Hmmm, how should I describe this beautiful place?
The Sun is definitely doing her job deligently..
So super hot man!
Anyway, the clothes here are so super nice + cheap~~~ @@
Hehehehe.. I saw then wanna buy..
LOL.. dangerous zone for all the ladies.. ^^
What I do in Penang?
I spent most of my time playin FB, and taking pictures..
Seriously.. BORED!!
haha.. I will tell u more stories next time.. ^^
Take care and Jesus loves u ^^
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
First time working xD
Hehe.. well well, 17.01.2011 was the first day I started working in my whole life.. ^^
Hmmm.. I sell gifts in Sg Wang..
I am not alone coz got one ex-MBS guy works together with me..
He is quite funny.. LOL.. he loves to zat me very much..
Mayb bcoz he used to zat his guy frens..
No choice.. let him zat lo.. haha..
Everyday, I hv to face him for 11 hours, better dun fight with him.. haha..
But he is quite frenly.. So, guess we wun fight la..
Working is seriously tiring..
Everyday 1030 to 930..
There's only one word can describe how this feeling feels like..
Anyway, today is the 3rd day and I am still surviving..
Hopefully everything will be fine..
I miss him alot.. T.T..
But i dunno he miss me or not.. hmmm..
Okla.. will talk abt my work more next time..
Here are some videos regarding some of the gifts I sell in Sg Wang..
If u wish to purchase, contact me ya.. xD
Hmmm.. I sell gifts in Sg Wang..
I am not alone coz got one ex-MBS guy works together with me..
He is quite funny.. LOL.. he loves to zat me very much..
Mayb bcoz he used to zat his guy frens..
No choice.. let him zat lo.. haha..
Everyday, I hv to face him for 11 hours, better dun fight with him.. haha..
But he is quite frenly.. So, guess we wun fight la..
Working is seriously tiring..
Everyday 1030 to 930..
There's only one word can describe how this feeling feels like..
Anyway, today is the 3rd day and I am still surviving..
Hopefully everything will be fine..
I miss him alot.. T.T..
But i dunno he miss me or not.. hmmm..
Okla.. will talk abt my work more next time..
Here are some videos regarding some of the gifts I sell in Sg Wang..
If u wish to purchase, contact me ya.. xD
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My page and my channel
Hi.. today wanna intro to u guys my page in fb and my channel in youtube.
Haha.. my page in FB is
And my channel in youtube is
This is my latest video.. 心墙 cover by me..
Hope u guys enjoy listening xD
God loves u... ^^
Have a nice day ya.. <3
Haha.. my page in FB is
And my channel in youtube is
This is my latest video.. 心墙 cover by me..
Hope u guys enjoy listening xD
God loves u... ^^
Have a nice day ya.. <3
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
First time
Well, there are many first time in our life..
Now I would like to share with u guys the first time I ask for job..
Haha.. I went to this cafe.. My hands were so cold..
I dunno what was I afraid of.. but it's juz scary when it's the first time, u know..
There wasn't any customer in the cafe..
1 lady and 1 guy were standing..
I went to talk to that lady asking whether they hire part time singer..
Haiz.. she asked me lots of ques..
And she and I seemed so blur..
I dun really und what she said and her either.. LOL..
Anyway, finally she gave me a form to fill in...
She told me to wait for them to call me..
Guess what? I has been waiting since monday...
And I dunno what to do... LOL..
whether they want me or not..
It's still a mystery.. =P
I am becoming more and more lazy...
Oh no.. no good..
And the time I go to bed has becoming later and later..
It's really unhealthy..
Anyway, I am becoming happier and happier bcoz recently I met someone..
^^ haha.. extremely cute de someone..
Have a nice day =)
Now I would like to share with u guys the first time I ask for job..
Haha.. I went to this cafe.. My hands were so cold..
I dunno what was I afraid of.. but it's juz scary when it's the first time, u know..
There wasn't any customer in the cafe..
1 lady and 1 guy were standing..
I went to talk to that lady asking whether they hire part time singer..
Haiz.. she asked me lots of ques..
And she and I seemed so blur..
I dun really und what she said and her either.. LOL..
Anyway, finally she gave me a form to fill in...
She told me to wait for them to call me..
Guess what? I has been waiting since monday...
And I dunno what to do... LOL..
whether they want me or not..
It's still a mystery.. =P
I am becoming more and more lazy...
Oh no.. no good..
And the time I go to bed has becoming later and later..
It's really unhealthy..
Anyway, I am becoming happier and happier bcoz recently I met someone..
^^ haha.. extremely cute de someone..
Have a nice day =)
Monday, January 3, 2011
My church youth
My church youth group called MIF (Methodist Intermediate Fellowship)
This is our website
May God bless u &
Have a nice day ya!! ^^
This is our website
May God bless u &
Have a nice day ya!! ^^
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