欢你的头发 喜欢你的脸颊
喜欢你的害羞 喜欢你的疯狂
喜欢开你玩笑 喜欢叫你傻瓜
喜欢搭你肩膀 喜欢你会怕痒
想要抱你一下 贴紧我的胸膛
想要把你绑架 想要带你回家
思念你令我惊慌 想到你令我膨胀
sry to all those who dun read chinese..
well.. i heard this song in my aunt van..
man... when the first time i listened to this song..
i adi fall for this song...
really cnt help myself from loving this song..
lol... so i decided to share it in my blog ^^
hope u like it too...
Monday, August 31, 2009
So you would come
So you would come
Before the world began
You were on His mind
And every tear you cry
Is precious in His eyes
Because of His great love
He gave His only Son
Everything was done
So you would come
Nothing you can do
Could make Him love you more
And nothing that you've done
Could make Him close the door
Because of His great love
He gave His only Son
Everything was done
So you would come
Come to the Father
Though your gift is small
Broken hearts, broken lives
He will take them all
The power of the Word
The power of His blood
Everything was done
So you would come
** what a nice song...
if there a chance i would like to sing to everybody ^^
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy B'day to M'sia + happy ^^
today is indeed a tired day.. coz as i had mentioned in my last last post.. i din really rest well these few days.. reasons? haha... dunno?? [lol...]
well.. was kinda emo the day before yesterday..
thk God i wasn't d only one who was emo-ing...
so i dun feel that bad la...
why so emo har? Flora arh Flora~ fan lei lorh...
too many factors that caused me EMO...
first.. i cant tell...
second, i cant tell...
third, i cant tell...
so what for i tell??
kinda lame i guess...
okla.. so will talk abt how God makes me so happy again..
my fren was shocked when i changed mood so easily..
aiya.. coz i knw d lasting joy is from God..
that's y i dun sad for a long period..
usually.. to b quite candid with u guys..
i always cry... even though i "act" so tough in front of everyone.. [except for some special cases la...] coz i hate to cry in front of ppl n make ppl think i'm a weak person...
so i always hv this image in ppl's eyes that i'm a Strong lady...
but my guy frens always tell me i am nt....
nvm nvm...
I did many things which my frens will nvr und until the day when they're supposed to und it...
sometime kinda tired abt it... but aft all i realized.. God has His time table.. n what He thinks is way higher than what me mere humans think.. that makes me glad.. :)
today i communicated with God..
haha.. well.. for Christians.. we called it as hvin "QUIET TIME" with God..
for further explaination, it simply means...
giving a portion of time we devote to bein alone wif God.. it's a time get away from whatever is urgent n concentrate on what is most important - our relationship wif God..
so it's also like a two-way conversation between God n us..
we talk to God through Prayer n allow God to speak to us through His Word [Bible]...
it's so exciting to know what God wanna tell us each day...
how wonderful is it talkin n listening to God.. haha.. as if receiving love letter from God...
today what God had told me is basically comforting me..
coz was kinda depressed ystrday.. coz i couldn't tell how i feel to some ppl i trust d most..
God comforted me by telling me "Whatever u do, do it all for d glory of God."
yala.. if i do all these things all this while is juz bcoz of myself.. what's d good abt it?
it doesnt hv an eternal value la...
so i bcum sanguine liao~~
then i also get to knw that we hv been shaped by our experiences in life, most of which were beyond our control (God is directly sayin my heart! what i'm exactly thinkin now!!).. God allowed them for His purpose of moldin us...
ohh.. ok...
then... oh dear... really can hide nth from God..
God showed me these two verses!!
well.. was kinda emo the day before yesterday..
thk God i wasn't d only one who was emo-ing...
so i dun feel that bad la...
why so emo har? Flora arh Flora~ fan lei lorh...
too many factors that caused me EMO...
first.. i cant tell...
second, i cant tell...
third, i cant tell...
so what for i tell??
kinda lame i guess...
okla.. so will talk abt how God makes me so happy again..
my fren was shocked when i changed mood so easily..
aiya.. coz i knw d lasting joy is from God..
that's y i dun sad for a long period..
usually.. to b quite candid with u guys..
i always cry... even though i "act" so tough in front of everyone.. [except for some special cases la...] coz i hate to cry in front of ppl n make ppl think i'm a weak person...
so i always hv this image in ppl's eyes that i'm a Strong lady...
but my guy frens always tell me i am nt....
nvm nvm...
I did many things which my frens will nvr und until the day when they're supposed to und it...
sometime kinda tired abt it... but aft all i realized.. God has His time table.. n what He thinks is way higher than what me mere humans think.. that makes me glad.. :)
today i communicated with God..
haha.. well.. for Christians.. we called it as hvin "QUIET TIME" with God..
for further explaination, it simply means...
giving a portion of time we devote to bein alone wif God.. it's a time get away from whatever is urgent n concentrate on what is most important - our relationship wif God..
so it's also like a two-way conversation between God n us..
we talk to God through Prayer n allow God to speak to us through His Word [Bible]...
it's so exciting to know what God wanna tell us each day...
how wonderful is it talkin n listening to God.. haha.. as if receiving love letter from God...
today what God had told me is basically comforting me..
coz was kinda depressed ystrday.. coz i couldn't tell how i feel to some ppl i trust d most..
God comforted me by telling me "Whatever u do, do it all for d glory of God."
yala.. if i do all these things all this while is juz bcoz of myself.. what's d good abt it?
it doesnt hv an eternal value la...
so i bcum sanguine liao~~
then i also get to knw that we hv been shaped by our experiences in life, most of which were beyond our control (God is directly sayin my heart! what i'm exactly thinkin now!!).. God allowed them for His purpose of moldin us...
ohh.. ok...
then... oh dear... really can hide nth from God..
God showed me these two verses!!
The God of All Comfort
3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,4who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
2 corinthians
thk God for comforting me when i encounter all the problems that i couldn't handle myself... i love U so much!! Thx for giving me those experiences so that i can comfort those who experiences d same prob as i do.. :)
2 corinthians
thk God for comforting me when i encounter all the problems that i couldn't handle myself... i love U so much!! Thx for giving me those experiences so that i can comfort those who experiences d same prob as i do.. :)
8 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.
9 Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.
10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us,
2 corinthians
well.. yea.. i'm very certain that God allows us to experience d pain is bcoz He wanna let us know we cant do anything when we leave Him and start relying on ourselves....
thk God for that :)
i'm very glad bcoz even though i experience pain,
but u promise me U'll nvr nvr leave me alone!
hallelujah! i'm d happiest person bcoz U love me!!
Nothing can seperate us........ ^^ God and i :)
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans 8:35
So this is d reason y i love my God so much..
coz this is the only guarantee i can find in this world..
even my best fren can betray me... n that "best fren"... really is a pain to me...
but nvm.. may God forgives him like how God forgives me ^^
abt our gifts........ **
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 peter 4:10
thk God for giving me so many gifts...
well all of our abilities come from God..
hehe.. all of a sudden i rmbr somebody has d ability to make my remedy bcum sweet... lol!
since all of our abilities come from God..
we shall nt b sombong.. haha...
"You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
you have stolen my heart
with one glance of your eyes,
with one jewel of your necklace."
haha... guess where does this phrase comes from??
i bet u dunno unless u're a Christian...
okla.. it's from bible..
hua hua~ actually bible got alot of those romantic phrases and love stories...
i think d verse above verse funny lo..
actually y ppl like to say "U hv stolen my heart" when they fall for xxx??
who can tell me??
hmmm..... as i always perasan de say... i got a crying voice n many ppl like to mimic my voice... n this reminds me of my vice-president of central district mif...
i was very geram with him coz he din reply my urgent msg...
some more he likes to mimic my voice oh...
swt!! i think i'm pretty bad by bein so fierce.. paiseh leh.. ppl goin to UK within a month..
my prayer is that he can enjoy d time n everything there n knw more abt God, living everday with a broad smile :D
all the best to Zhang Rong... Jia You n will miss u somehow..
thx for everything u hv done for cd mif...
May God continue to use u for His kingdom... amen...
i din mention abt m'sia ryte?
LOL.. next time bah...
take care...
2 corinthians
well.. yea.. i'm very certain that God allows us to experience d pain is bcoz He wanna let us know we cant do anything when we leave Him and start relying on ourselves....
thk God for that :)
i'm very glad bcoz even though i experience pain,
but u promise me U'll nvr nvr leave me alone!
hallelujah! i'm d happiest person bcoz U love me!!
Nothing can seperate us........ ^^ God and i :)
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans 8:35
So this is d reason y i love my God so much..
coz this is the only guarantee i can find in this world..
even my best fren can betray me... n that "best fren"... really is a pain to me...
but nvm.. may God forgives him like how God forgives me ^^
abt our gifts........ **
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 peter 4:10
thk God for giving me so many gifts...
well all of our abilities come from God..
hehe.. all of a sudden i rmbr somebody has d ability to make my remedy bcum sweet... lol!
since all of our abilities come from God..
we shall nt b sombong.. haha...
"You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
you have stolen my heart
with one glance of your eyes,
with one jewel of your necklace."
haha... guess where does this phrase comes from??
i bet u dunno unless u're a Christian...
okla.. it's from bible..
hua hua~ actually bible got alot of those romantic phrases and love stories...
i think d verse above verse funny lo..
actually y ppl like to say "U hv stolen my heart" when they fall for xxx??
who can tell me??
hmmm..... as i always perasan de say... i got a crying voice n many ppl like to mimic my voice... n this reminds me of my vice-president of central district mif...
i was very geram with him coz he din reply my urgent msg...
some more he likes to mimic my voice oh...
swt!! i think i'm pretty bad by bein so fierce.. paiseh leh.. ppl goin to UK within a month..
my prayer is that he can enjoy d time n everything there n knw more abt God, living everday with a broad smile :D
all the best to Zhang Rong... Jia You n will miss u somehow..
thx for everything u hv done for cd mif...
May God continue to use u for His kingdom... amen...
i din mention abt m'sia ryte?
LOL.. next time bah...
take care...
Friday, August 28, 2009
A boy or a girl? LOL...
haha... well.. i really feel like wanna vomit now...
LOL.. so funny la.. where on earth got ppl sick adi still feel so happy one?? swt... swt is gud btw..
i told my fren i feel like wanna vomit...
then my fren asked me izit i "got" adi...
then i joked with my fren sayin.. "i think i got adi"... hua hua~
moreover, i told.. aiya.. dunno whether is a boy or a girl...
man.. it's truly funny >.<'"
wah.. then as u know....
my imagination is pretty good... so i started to think so many things..
i'm thinking.. i go to hospital..
then the dr congratz me saying "hey.. is a boy n a girl... TWINS!.." ... later, the dr too happy then faint adi... bla bla bla.. oh no.. sry.. my imagination really too good adi.. paiseh~
but... later on... another dr comes into my room n says.. "sry sry madam, the report is wrong.. we're very sorry for d mistake we hv made juz now.."
then i look at the dr with strange "eye light"...
coz the dr tells me "u hv 2 twins actually..."
the end... wait for d next episode la.. hua hua~
lol.. ok la.. i too over over adi...
if next time i conceive adi...
i tell u i hv a boy or a girl or twins la.. LOL....
Flora is a good writer XP
LOL.. so funny la.. where on earth got ppl sick adi still feel so happy one?? swt... swt is gud btw..
i told my fren i feel like wanna vomit...
then my fren asked me izit i "got" adi...
then i joked with my fren sayin.. "i think i got adi"... hua hua~
moreover, i told.. aiya.. dunno whether is a boy or a girl...
man.. it's truly funny >.<'"
wah.. then as u know....
my imagination is pretty good... so i started to think so many things..
i'm thinking.. i go to hospital..
then the dr congratz me saying "hey.. is a boy n a girl... TWINS!.." ... later, the dr too happy then faint adi... bla bla bla.. oh no.. sry.. my imagination really too good adi.. paiseh~
but... later on... another dr comes into my room n says.. "sry sry madam, the report is wrong.. we're very sorry for d mistake we hv made juz now.."
then i look at the dr with strange "eye light"...
coz the dr tells me "u hv 2 twins actually..."
the end... wait for d next episode la.. hua hua~
lol.. ok la.. i too over over adi...
if next time i conceive adi...
i tell u i hv a boy or a girl or twins la.. LOL....
Flora is a good writer XP
guess what??
this day is coming soon...
yes.. this day... all will be 09...
man.. it's so sweet....
coz u knw what? in chinese ryte... 9= jiu= lasting...
so when the time is 09:09:09am or 09:09:09pm then plus the date.. 09/09/09..
[how nice if i'm 20 now.. then + ppl woo me lagi nice.. haha.. woo as in askin me to b his "gf"... lol.. think so much... zzz... but now too young.. so too bad la..]
Wow... what a nice day!
once in a life time..
unless u live for another 100 yrs... n i dun think i can live for that long la.. i knw touch wood..
but it's juz like a fact la k? LOL...
i dun mind ppl say i die b4 100yrs old.. coz i knw i gonna live forever... my spirit lah...
hmmm.. so what i gonna do on that particular day is...
lol.. find some frens n tell them our frenship last forever, i guess..
but i wanna do something special.. still on d way of planning..
anyone got any better ideas?
U're welcome to share with me.. "Flora d plant"...
long time no blog d.. miss my blog so so so much ya..
well... gonna write abt the T.O.U.R. thing..
aiya.. feel very dizzy now..
(maybe bcz i din rest well recently...)
so i cont d next time la..
look forward ya :)
dun miss me... hua hua~
God bless ya...
JLY = Jesus loves you...
this day is coming soon...
yes.. this day... all will be 09...
man.. it's so sweet....
coz u knw what? in chinese ryte... 9= jiu= lasting...
so when the time is 09:09:09am or 09:09:09pm then plus the date.. 09/09/09..
[how nice if i'm 20 now.. then + ppl woo me lagi nice.. haha.. woo as in askin me to b his "gf"... lol.. think so much... zzz... but now too young.. so too bad la..]
Wow... what a nice day!
once in a life time..
unless u live for another 100 yrs... n i dun think i can live for that long la.. i knw touch wood..
but it's juz like a fact la k? LOL...
i dun mind ppl say i die b4 100yrs old.. coz i knw i gonna live forever... my spirit lah...
hmmm.. so what i gonna do on that particular day is...
lol.. find some frens n tell them our frenship last forever, i guess..
but i wanna do something special.. still on d way of planning..
anyone got any better ideas?
U're welcome to share with me.. "Flora d plant"...
long time no blog d.. miss my blog so so so much ya..
well... gonna write abt the T.O.U.R. thing..
aiya.. feel very dizzy now..
(maybe bcz i din rest well recently...)
so i cont d next time la..
look forward ya :)
dun miss me... hua hua~
God bless ya...
JLY = Jesus loves you...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
handle it with prayer :)
Dear everybody...
well.. today i'm extremely busy actually..
but yet.. i online though.. LOL..
there's this camp's fren of mine commented on my fb status...
My status : things don't happen as what we hv predicted.. this is what makes life so interesting..
His comment: well... it sumtime go worst situation that u nvr think of it.. how u gonna handle that? LOL
well.. today i'm extremely busy actually..
but yet.. i online though.. LOL..
there's this camp's fren of mine commented on my fb status...
My status : things don't happen as what we hv predicted.. this is what makes life so interesting..
His comment: well... it sumtime go worst situation that u nvr think of it.. how u gonna handle that? LOL
My reply :
handle it with prayer :)
look at this my fren...
when trouble overwhelms our hearts.
There's hope for our despair,
For we can cope with confidence,
if we handle it with prayer.
when gladness overflows our souls,
it's something we should share;
we show our praise and gratitude,
if we handle it with prayer..
so dear brother in Christ...
For every time v pray,
we move d hands of God,
we cannot do what God can do..
but God can do what we cannot do..
so Cheer up Leng zai ^^
handle it with prayer :)
look at this my fren...
when trouble overwhelms our hearts.
There's hope for our despair,
For we can cope with confidence,
if we handle it with prayer.
when gladness overflows our souls,
it's something we should share;
we show our praise and gratitude,
if we handle it with prayer..
so dear brother in Christ...
For every time v pray,
we move d hands of God,
we cannot do what God can do..
but God can do what we cannot do..
so Cheer up Leng zai ^^
back to this post...
well.. it's true ryte?
what we can do is juz a little thing..
well.. it's true ryte?
what we can do is juz a little thing..
but God can do everything...
so put our trust in God sure ok one... ;)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Morning morning wake up for what??
wow.. [is d terbalik of "mum"].. saw it somewhere on earth..
okok.. dun run out of d topic again..
man...!! today, when i woke up.. oh dear! it's 5.50.. i saw that num in my hp!
n i was thinking.. oh no no no no~ gonna b late n my van is gonna come within 10minutes n all my books r all over around...coz i planned to wake up early for study...
so i'm very Gan Jiong [nervous] n i knocked my dad's room door..
n i rush down to ground floor.. fyi, my house got 2stories...
1st floor-
2nd floor-
then when d time my dad opened d door..
oh GREAT! he said.. hey.. it's juz 5am la..
u wake up so early for what?
i think it's bcoz i slept at 11pm last nite.. so coz my body gets wrong info..
coz usually i sleep at 12pm.. (sry.. is 12am not 12pm *thx to KM)
ok ok..
so i came to online instead of study..
coz Bu Shuang adi..
siao siao de me..
Gambateh.... everybody..
everyday is a challenge...
n rmbr.. u'r nt alone..
bcoz God is with us..
i'm ur fren :)
Jia You o!~~**
okok.. dun run out of d topic again..
man...!! today, when i woke up.. oh dear! it's 5.50.. i saw that num in my hp!
n i was thinking.. oh no no no no~ gonna b late n my van is gonna come within 10minutes n all my books r all over around...coz i planned to wake up early for study...
so i'm very Gan Jiong [nervous] n i knocked my dad's room door..
n i rush down to ground floor.. fyi, my house got 2stories...
1st floor-
2nd floor-
then when d time my dad opened d door..
oh GREAT! he said.. hey.. it's juz 5am la..
u wake up so early for what?
i think it's bcoz i slept at 11pm last nite.. so coz my body gets wrong info..
coz usually i sleep at 12pm.. (sry.. is 12am not 12pm *thx to KM)
ok ok..
so i came to online instead of study..
coz Bu Shuang adi..
siao siao de me..
Gambateh.... everybody..
everyday is a challenge...
n rmbr.. u'r nt alone..
bcoz God is with us..
i'm ur fren :)
Jia You o!~~**
Monday, August 3, 2009
I'll nt b satisfied if i dun share wif u abt this.. LOL...
I can guarantee u.. u'll certainly laugh aft u hv finished readin this story that my fren told me this morning.. if u dun laugh.. haha.. ur business la.. LOL...
i laughed like mad today recess time bcoz of this story! read it carefully.. it might b useful to u next time.. hua hua hua hua... [i copy this story from the blog of my fren who told me this story]** harap maklum.. haha..
nah.. dunno it's true or not...
if next time i pregnant aft i get married i tell u la... if i still rmbr... =.=''
LOL.. dunno i will get married or not also..
but i already decided when to get married..
juz hvnt decided who i wanna get married with.. LOL..
think so far ady... dun even hv a bf wanna talk abt marriage... zd!
well well.. last er.. hmm.. when huh?
one of the day of last week la..
a super clear rainbow appeared juz on top of my sch..
OH DEAR! it's amazingly beautiful...
ineffable beauty ~~
wow.. i feel so happy whenever i see rainbow..
seriously.. i hv nvr seen sunset..
as in really go to watch sunset..
so plan to go n watch sometime..
then this is another incident...
i laughed like mad today recess time bcoz of this story! read it carefully.. it might b useful to u next time.. hua hua hua hua... [i copy this story from the blog of my fren who told me this story]** harap maklum.. haha..
nah.. dunno it's true or not...
if next time i pregnant aft i get married i tell u la... if i still rmbr... =.=''
LOL.. dunno i will get married or not also..
but i already decided when to get married..
juz hvnt decided who i wanna get married with.. LOL..
think so far ady... dun even hv a bf wanna talk abt marriage... zd!
well well.. last er.. hmm.. when huh?
one of the day of last week la..
a super clear rainbow appeared juz on top of my sch..
OH DEAR! it's amazingly beautiful...
ineffable beauty ~~
wow.. i feel so happy whenever i see rainbow..
seriously.. i hv nvr seen sunset..
as in really go to watch sunset..
so plan to go n watch sometime..
then this is another incident...
Love for Enemies
27“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
29If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.
30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.
31Do to others as you would have them do to you.
32“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them.
33And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ do that.
34And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ lend to ‘sinners,’ expecting to be repaid in full.
35But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
36Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Ok.. i will tell you how God want me to practise this verse that i highlighted in light green...
i repeat...
[Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.]
one day.. i lend my sch text pad to someone in my class.. then she forgets to return it to me i guess.. so i asked for 1time.. then she said she'll return it bck to me.. so i din ask for quite sometime.. i'm nt sure whether i got ask her for the 2nd time or not..
but bcoz she has nt returned me d text pad for quite a long time.. so this verse eventually came into my mind.. n i decided not to ask her back for d text pad...
n guess what? oh dear! on the very moment i hv this thought that thinking it's ok.. when i went to my sit, the text pad was put on my table.. so later i und why God wanna make her takes so long time to return the text pad to me, bcoz God wants me to learn abt the verse in bible.. :)
thank God for this lesson... it's very interesting ^^
btw.. i asked her back for d text pad is bcoz the text pad is nt cheap k?
my sch text pad.. the whole book of it.. nt juz one piece... LOL..
so i really thkful for d lesson that God has given me... love u Lord...
today a very strange n funny thing happened,
must tell must tell...
when i was helpin ms sim to carry some books...
a junior girl thought i'm a teacher n she greeted me...
i think mayb bcoz my shoes produced sounds that sounded like tcher's shoes.. ok.. then the funny thing is.. she closed her face with her hands aft realising that i'm juz a student n aint tcher.. haha.. this causes me to laugh too...
it's juz so funny lo..
n today was d bk test... i feel this parable is so true lo.. mayb we should really learn something from it.. take a look at this parable ya..
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
7When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable:
so do kind thing to people but dun expect people to repay u...
n rmbr.. God sees everything u do :)
*~May u hv a blessed day.. Donna Nobis Pacem~*
Ok.. i will tell you how God want me to practise this verse that i highlighted in light green...
i repeat...
[Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.]
one day.. i lend my sch text pad to someone in my class.. then she forgets to return it to me i guess.. so i asked for 1time.. then she said she'll return it bck to me.. so i din ask for quite sometime.. i'm nt sure whether i got ask her for the 2nd time or not..
but bcoz she has nt returned me d text pad for quite a long time.. so this verse eventually came into my mind.. n i decided not to ask her back for d text pad...
n guess what? oh dear! on the very moment i hv this thought that thinking it's ok.. when i went to my sit, the text pad was put on my table.. so later i und why God wanna make her takes so long time to return the text pad to me, bcoz God wants me to learn abt the verse in bible.. :)
thank God for this lesson... it's very interesting ^^
btw.. i asked her back for d text pad is bcoz the text pad is nt cheap k?
my sch text pad.. the whole book of it.. nt juz one piece... LOL..
so i really thkful for d lesson that God has given me... love u Lord...
today a very strange n funny thing happened,
must tell must tell...
when i was helpin ms sim to carry some books...
a junior girl thought i'm a teacher n she greeted me...
i think mayb bcoz my shoes produced sounds that sounded like tcher's shoes.. ok.. then the funny thing is.. she closed her face with her hands aft realising that i'm juz a student n aint tcher.. haha.. this causes me to laugh too...
it's juz so funny lo..
n today was d bk test... i feel this parable is so true lo.. mayb we should really learn something from it.. take a look at this parable ya..
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
7When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable:
8“When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited.
9If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place.
10But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests.
11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
12Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid.
13But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,
14and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.(means God will repay u on d day d good ppl rise from death)”
so do kind thing to people but dun expect people to repay u...
n rmbr.. God sees everything u do :)
*~May u hv a blessed day.. Donna Nobis Pacem~*
St. Gabriel's prefects gathering -'09

my so-called pg queen crown? swt!!

st marians at st gabriel's pg

mei fen/flora low/mei fang

the souvenir o(^.^)o
Aft writing d title for this post..
i thought of how i actually get to know my WLGG...
i still rmbr last last time...
he added me in fs if i'm x mistaken..
n he claimed that he knows my sis n went to my sch pg..
but the thing is.. that time i wasn't a prefect n i had no idea who this fellow is..
n time flies.. now come to the year of 2009..
n i dunno how on earth we became good fren n now i got the chance to visit to this sch which i heard of long long time ago..
[nice intro? LOL.. ss again!!]
first of all... start talking from d time once i opened my eyes on this day [25th July 2009]...
well well.. i actually woke up at 4am.. but my body wasn't under my control.. so i slept til arnd 5.30am if my momery serves me well.. haha... sry to some1 n u know why i say sry ryte?
then i rush to KTM... thank God we managed to get into d 6.30am train n we reach bank negara station perfectly safe... n oh.. kinda shocked.. coz saw my goh2 waiting at there to lead us [mei fen/mei fang n i...] to the bandaraya LRT station... then.. very SWT!.. my goh2 n his fren walked so fast n we all ladies were walking at the back.. then later on.. i told mei fen n fang saying that perhaps it's their slowest walking speed adi.. so we b thoughtful abit la.. walk faster.. haha...
next.. we got into LRT.. man.. i was sitting alone T.T... bad mf mf... they all let me sat alone.. but thkfully they came to sit with me later... then was telling abt d another me "Nicole".. specially between mf n i punya hal.. LOL...
finally.. we reached maluri station n we waited in d bus.. fuiyo.. someone called meifang.. no nid for me to mention his name here.. sendiri tahu la.. wahahaha!
yes! this was really FINALLY.. we reached ST GABRIEL, our brother sch...?
haha.. took pic juz straight aft we entered d sch.. kinda zd.. coz too SUDDEN..
but still ok la..
haha.. this one really funny worh..
that was this st gabriel's prefect led us for tour.. n on the way, x body was actually listening to him except for me [MISS FLORA LOW NGAH EARN].. n d... er.. erm.. he only stared at me while he was tour guiding.. n i actually felt kinda swt.. is sweat... nt sweet.. then mei fang told me.. why d guy kept looking at me.. then i said... i hv x idea as well...
only then this guy started to realise that he actually stared at me for quite some time.. zzz...
aft d registration.. we waited for sometime n soon d pg started..
wow.. nt gonna say anything abt this guy.. the MC.. those who went there.. sendiri tahu what happened la..
then followed by speeches n then performances...
no comment for d performances.. but i wanna compliment the junior of ww.. i think he did a good job coz d mic wasn't working but he still sang it quite well.. i like d spirit he has..
n d.. oh no.. i was being chosen to wakil st mary to go on stage for performance.. each sch had to send two wakil n i was d lucky one.. zd...
nway.. thkfully.. i partnered with a frenly malay girl n chinese girl.. they both r very nice n sweet ^^ our performance was singing 童话... hua hua hua hua... actually we juz simply sang for d sake of singing...
n we came to a time where they wanted to choose pg king n pg queen...
SWT! they determined d winner by seeing how much cheer we got frm d audience...
aft one round of choosing.. left an indian girl n i.. i was actually not expecting to win or something.. coz i juz performed something simple.. n i din do my best also..
mana tau i became d pg queen n amazingly.. zui kok was d pg king...
i think most probably i won d pg queen is bcoz know la.. my goh goh was d penyelaras program n many of his frens know me.. zzz... know what.. aft i had won d pp queen.. i heard some ppl saying.. wei wen wei wen... i gonna faint soon...
aft we had change into our pj attire.. we went for breakfast nt breakslow.. so we ate very fast.. hehe.. [not funny also.. y m i laughing.. zzz] wow.. then i'm kinda shocked.. coz ww's teacher came n talked to me.. i wasn't frighten la.. juz that i dunno even ww's teacher knws me.. so i chatted with his tcher lo.. his tcher is very nice n frenly :)
next we had our outdoor games....
my grp ar? sienz.. not sporting de.. i was d one who kept on talkin h givin instruction.. then d Adam said i'm d first lady P.M... zd ryte??
haha.. but finally my grp bcame more active n frenly..
come to d final game...
it's time for us to really get wet..
zd.. ww's junior asked ww "can i play with my future sis-in-law..?" before he played wif me.. n i'm totally boomed.. x.x...
but nah.. it's ok.. i still played..
haha.. so i got wet.. ;)
last but nt least my grp won n we shared d prize.. :) n i felt so happy when the time the tcher there gave d souvenirs to all schools.. hehe... [u dun hv to knw y..]
well.. juz wanna say WELL DONE to my WLGG...
u did a very gud job.. continue to gambateh bah ^^
i'll support u..
later on... we all sat zk's car n went for lunch..
my goodness.. zk drove so fast as if he doesn't knw what is slow.. haha..
we went to old town to hv our lunch..
n my goh2 n i very naughty.. coz we pretended as "bf-gf".. to make somebody who works in old town jealous.. haha.. i think our plan succeeded.. n thx for bein so gentlemen :)
i cnt rmbr what happened aft i was havin my tuition..
but i rmbr.. it's a fun day for me..
thank God..
Thank you so much!
hey.. thk u so much for really writing an essay abt me ^^
I appreciate it much :)
gonna post ur essay in my blog, k??
then i wanna correct some wrong facts too.. lol..
i shall correct it by using different colour punya words...
here it's...
Ever since she was small,maybe since she was still and infant,she was exposed to the wonders of the Lord.[fyi, i bcame a Christian only when i was 7.. is that considered young??]Her parents and siblings are all active in religious activity.Thanks to that,she has quite a few motto or quote.Few examples are:Rejoice in God always,Donna Nobis Pacem,Smile Always,zd(zha dao),wl(wu liao) and much much more.
To further strengthen the statement above,she is a very devoted follower of Christian.Emphasis on very.As far as I know and can know,she goes to church every,again emphasis on every Sunday.Sunday is the day for religious activity in Christian.(puts on anti-flame shield.Disclaimers:I don't know everything about Christian as myself am a Buddhist) She is also very active when it comes to indoor and outdoor religious activity.She helps out at the church and also manages the church activity every now and then.Just early last June,she helped the church to carry out a camp.(some motivational camp?) So in general,she is a very devoted follower.
Furthermore,she is also very busy or more accurately live a proactive and healthy student life.Flora or more commonly called by her schoolmate 'Flo' is a prefect in her high school which is SMK St. Mary(am I allowed to state that?...) [of coz u can state that.. no harm..] She holds a post(I don't know what post but I'm positive) in the prefectorial board.[only f5 students hold posts in prefectorial board]Her fame didn't came easy as when she first entered her high school,she insist on speaking English.This is hard because she graduated her primary from a chinese school.(SRJKC Mun Choong) At first,she speaks Mandarin to her new-found friends but after few months,her school's headmaster/mistress announced that the students should communicate using English.As a devoted person she is,she obeyed the order.[since i entered d sch.. i had nvr talked with my frens in chinese! only when certain words i dunno in eng then i'll ask other ppl in chinese, k? haha...]When she communicates with her friends using English,her friends felt annoyed.(maybe jealous too) After some time,her friends admired her determination in speaking English as a prefect who obeys order.Now,she speaks uses English as a medium,be it at school or outside.[outseide?? no la.. i always speak chinese at home or at church...]
In addition,she loves her family.Whenever she feels sad,she will immediately consult with her sister.(not so sure bout that…)[no la.. i dun like to tell to my sis my problem.. coz i dun wan more problems.. haha... coz if i say too much.. then she will start to give many many opinions which sometimes make me feel miserable... n ended up with a fight.. that's y..]She once even cry when her mom was not around. [i always cry for that... biasa d...]
In a nutshell,Flora Low is a good girl.[thank u so much wo... haha.. n Flora no doubt is a very Perasan girl.. :P]I really can’t say much as I’m lazy and stuff.So facts about Flora ends here for now.
thank u so much for writing this essay ^^
i can do nothing to repay u...
so.. i juz wanna say...
I appreciate it much :)
gonna post ur essay in my blog, k??
then i wanna correct some wrong facts too.. lol..
i shall correct it by using different colour punya words...
here it's...
Facts about Flora...(Requested by Flora herself)
Flora Low is your everyday typical girl.Her name ‘Flora’ originates from the Latin language.The meaning of the name is ‘flower’.In mythtology, the name of the Roman Goddess of Springtime.Also the name of a ninth century Spanish matyr-saint.Flora Macdonald was a Scottish heroine who helped Bonnie Prince Charlie escape the English.Florian is the patron saint of firefighters. [i had nvr known that my name has so many meanings.. i only know my name means plants.. that's all...]Ever since she was small,maybe since she was still and infant,she was exposed to the wonders of the Lord.[fyi, i bcame a Christian only when i was 7.. is that considered young??]Her parents and siblings are all active in religious activity.Thanks to that,she has quite a few motto or quote.Few examples are:Rejoice in God always,Donna Nobis Pacem,Smile Always,zd(zha dao),wl(wu liao) and much much more.
To further strengthen the statement above,she is a very devoted follower of Christian.Emphasis on very.As far as I know and can know,she goes to church every,again emphasis on every Sunday.Sunday is the day for religious activity in Christian.(puts on anti-flame shield.Disclaimers:I don't know everything about Christian as myself am a Buddhist) She is also very active when it comes to indoor and outdoor religious activity.She helps out at the church and also manages the church activity every now and then.Just early last June,she helped the church to carry out a camp.(some motivational camp?) So in general,she is a very devoted follower.
Furthermore,she is also very busy or more accurately live a proactive and healthy student life.Flora or more commonly called by her schoolmate 'Flo' is a prefect in her high school which is SMK St. Mary(am I allowed to state that?...) [of coz u can state that.. no harm..] She holds a post(I don't know what post but I'm positive) in the prefectorial board.[only f5 students hold posts in prefectorial board]Her fame didn't came easy as when she first entered her high school,she insist on speaking English.This is hard because she graduated her primary from a chinese school.(SRJKC Mun Choong) At first,she speaks Mandarin to her new-found friends but after few months,her school's headmaster/mistress announced that the students should communicate using English.As a devoted person she is,she obeyed the order.[since i entered d sch.. i had nvr talked with my frens in chinese! only when certain words i dunno in eng then i'll ask other ppl in chinese, k? haha...]When she communicates with her friends using English,her friends felt annoyed.(maybe jealous too) After some time,her friends admired her determination in speaking English as a prefect who obeys order.Now,she speaks uses English as a medium,be it at school or outside.[outseide?? no la.. i always speak chinese at home or at church...]
In addition,she loves her family.Whenever she feels sad,she will immediately consult with her sister.(not so sure bout that…)[no la.. i dun like to tell to my sis my problem.. coz i dun wan more problems.. haha... coz if i say too much.. then she will start to give many many opinions which sometimes make me feel miserable... n ended up with a fight.. that's y..]She once even cry when her mom was not around. [i always cry for that... biasa d...]
In a nutshell,Flora Low is a good girl.[thank u so much wo... haha.. n Flora no doubt is a very Perasan girl.. :P]I really can’t say much as I’m lazy and stuff.So facts about Flora ends here for now.
thank u so much for writing this essay ^^
i can do nothing to repay u...
so.. i juz wanna say...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
national BK quiz
WOW.. BK quiz is super COOL"-ing"...
still cool-ing in my heart..
yeah~~ Jesus knows..
well well...
startin from d beginning k?
first first ar? reached sch lo...
then went into d bus lo...
kept on thinkin someone who has fever... thinkin how to cool someone down..
but still.. very tired.. couldnt absorb the two books for anymore..
so i told my BK partner... mun li..
sorry ar.. i sleep for a while har..
so i actually slept during the journey we went to assunta sch..
finally.. we reached our destination..
my dear! the sch is so super big...
if din listen to instruction.. seriously might get lost.. wahaha...
then.. by the time we reached.. only left 5 mins b4 d actual competition starts...
so.. first round... we sat for the test individually...
nah.. Luke is quite ok la.. but the ACTS part.. man... dunno la.. tembak sahaja..
dunno my roommates got heard any tembak sound or nt.. coz i tembak quite a num of the ques.. coz we r only given 30mins to finish 40 ques..
later on.. we proceeded to the canteen..
i like their canteen.. pretty clean ^^
we had our breakfast.. nt break slow..
haha... funny merh?? zzz..
aft pnw n all those speech...
come to the time where the top 60sch will b screened on the screen..
MAN.. i cant see my group at first..
both of us.. mun li n i r not expecting to get in..
so we actually wanna leave the top60's tables n go...
mana tau.. OH DEAR!
we got into top 60...
n guess what's our position?
really ngam ngam the top 60th..
I really thank God for that..
coz got like 169 sch from whole m'sia took part in this comp..
n we r the top 60teams!!!
hallelujah.. haha.. over excited..
then we went to the second round..
mun li is super GENG man...
to b quite candid..
all the ques r only answered by her n i was the one who gave her support n confirmation..
sry mun li.. i din really studied abt d details of the two books..
i think i'm d ppl who makes mun li cnt get into top 25teams...
really sorry mun li...
so obviously..
we din get into d 3rd round..
but it's pretty good adi...
coz we tried our best n the top60 in whole m'sia x easy kan??
haha... comforting myself...
then later on... i met LI SIA.. my sis's fren.. so shocked...
nvr expect that...
later on.. jun yin n i hv to rush for tuition...
so we stopped at kepong central..
n we r so afraid that we will miss the train..
thus, we prayed so hard..
guess what??
God answered our prayer :)
we got to sit for the 230 train n we r punctual for tuition...
on the way.. saw many ppl 示威...
why?? Why??
nowadays.. 治安很差~
nway.. still very happy abt the bk quiz...
haha.. thk u Jesus!
still cool-ing in my heart..
yeah~~ Jesus knows..
well well...
startin from d beginning k?
first first ar? reached sch lo...
then went into d bus lo...
kept on thinkin someone who has fever... thinkin how to cool someone down..
but still.. very tired.. couldnt absorb the two books for anymore..
so i told my BK partner... mun li..
sorry ar.. i sleep for a while har..
so i actually slept during the journey we went to assunta sch..
finally.. we reached our destination..
my dear! the sch is so super big...
if din listen to instruction.. seriously might get lost.. wahaha...
then.. by the time we reached.. only left 5 mins b4 d actual competition starts...
so.. first round... we sat for the test individually...
nah.. Luke is quite ok la.. but the ACTS part.. man... dunno la.. tembak sahaja..
dunno my roommates got heard any tembak sound or nt.. coz i tembak quite a num of the ques.. coz we r only given 30mins to finish 40 ques..
later on.. we proceeded to the canteen..
i like their canteen.. pretty clean ^^
we had our breakfast.. nt break slow..
haha... funny merh?? zzz..
aft pnw n all those speech...
come to the time where the top 60sch will b screened on the screen..
MAN.. i cant see my group at first..
both of us.. mun li n i r not expecting to get in..
so we actually wanna leave the top60's tables n go...
mana tau.. OH DEAR!
we got into top 60...
n guess what's our position?
really ngam ngam the top 60th..
I really thank God for that..
coz got like 169 sch from whole m'sia took part in this comp..
n we r the top 60teams!!!
hallelujah.. haha.. over excited..
then we went to the second round..
mun li is super GENG man...
to b quite candid..
all the ques r only answered by her n i was the one who gave her support n confirmation..
sry mun li.. i din really studied abt d details of the two books..
i think i'm d ppl who makes mun li cnt get into top 25teams...
really sorry mun li...
so obviously..
we din get into d 3rd round..
but it's pretty good adi...
coz we tried our best n the top60 in whole m'sia x easy kan??
haha... comforting myself...
then later on... i met LI SIA.. my sis's fren.. so shocked...
nvr expect that...
later on.. jun yin n i hv to rush for tuition...
so we stopped at kepong central..
n we r so afraid that we will miss the train..
thus, we prayed so hard..
guess what??
God answered our prayer :)
we got to sit for the 230 train n we r punctual for tuition...
on the way.. saw many ppl 示威...
why?? Why??
nowadays.. 治安很差~
nway.. still very happy abt the bk quiz...
haha.. thk u Jesus!
SMK ST MARY a.k.a. SMS (St Mary School)...
isn't that sounded cool??
well well well...
i'm here to talk abt my sch....
juz a little bit about my sch...
St Mary sch is my one n d only one secondary sch if there's x any changes til next yr..
[hope i wun go to sabah.. will tell abt this some other time.. if u'r curious.. juz come n ask me..]
St. Mary Secondary Girls' School was established in 1912...
It's an Anglican mission sch that only receives partial funding from government...
but it's still a government school..
we're controlled sch as in quantity of students n not the QUALITY of the students..
so.. we want to bring the best out of each girls nt juz academically but all-rounded n most important is to help all girls to bcum a woman of honour... God-fearing..
I'm so glad that i'm a St Marian though many ppl would tell me..
yerr.. boring la.. no guys.. no pak to whatever...
well.. what's d point pak to when ur duty is to study?
I heard somebody says that pak to is something like.. all ppl that r out of the city(pak to) wanna get into the city.. but those who r in the city wanna get out from the city... [when the time is nt right...] so no good to hv a relationship n d reason behind it is.. curious ma.. later regret ma very "shuang" lor hor? i like to tease ppl saying.. yalo yalo.. later break up more Shuang kan??
so there r certain things we hv to wait...
i learnt... certainly..
i always talk out of topic..
please dun mind..
emo teenagers??
yea.. i think that's d word for teenagers...
nway.. conclusion is...
isn't that sounded cool??
well well well...
i'm here to talk abt my sch....
juz a little bit about my sch...
St Mary sch is my one n d only one secondary sch if there's x any changes til next yr..
[hope i wun go to sabah.. will tell abt this some other time.. if u'r curious.. juz come n ask me..]
St. Mary Secondary Girls' School was established in 1912...
It's an Anglican mission sch that only receives partial funding from government...
but it's still a government school..
we're controlled sch as in quantity of students n not the QUALITY of the students..
so.. we want to bring the best out of each girls nt juz academically but all-rounded n most important is to help all girls to bcum a woman of honour... God-fearing..
I'm so glad that i'm a St Marian though many ppl would tell me..
yerr.. boring la.. no guys.. no pak to whatever...
well.. what's d point pak to when ur duty is to study?
I heard somebody says that pak to is something like.. all ppl that r out of the city(pak to) wanna get into the city.. but those who r in the city wanna get out from the city... [when the time is nt right...] so no good to hv a relationship n d reason behind it is.. curious ma.. later regret ma very "shuang" lor hor? i like to tease ppl saying.. yalo yalo.. later break up more Shuang kan??
so there r certain things we hv to wait...
i learnt... certainly..
i always talk out of topic..
please dun mind..
emo teenagers??
yea.. i think that's d word for teenagers...
nway.. conclusion is...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
hey buddies.. what does PG stands for?
Prefect's gathering lo..
oh.. und liao.. und liao..
lol.. ss-ing.. [zui kok says i'm ss... zzz.. but nvrmind.. he's d most ss one.. shh.. dun tell him.. lol..]
my sch pg was held on the 11/7/09..
now only i post abt it.. paisehx2...
Ok.. dun really rmbr what exactly happened on that particular day..
but i still rmbr some la..
first first..
morning.. we touched up d program books...
while we're doin this... i actually chatted happily with LQ.. lol...
then i only rmbr we walked arnd d sch for nothing!!
then went to help out with d outdoor faci...
the gathering started..
Miss Goh gave her speech..
she actually asked some ques n told us that St.Gabriel is our brother sch?
i dunno what does "brother sch" means..
but something for sure is that my "brother" is studying there..
is that a coincident or destined?? ha ha..
aft that the pg was followed by ice-breakers..
f4 prefect hang arnd again.. juz helped those grp which were abit blur case la..
later on everyone changed into pj attire and it's time for our indoor GAMES...
huak huak.. man! the only thing i hv a deep impression is the guy frm MBS KL..
he dressed lik a lady with newsppr and he cat walked lik.. oh no.. can und la..
more girly than a lady... that's very "sporting" of u... that's all i can say..
U must hd been enjoying it i suppose.. swt!
it's time for performance girls to show their faces..
nah... first first was aida singing.. then followed by my drama girls..
i really wanna thk God n praise them for what they had performed,
they're qualified to b good actresses!! I'm very proud of u all...
*coz when practises were carried out...
they actually disappointed me.. but in the end.. they're juz hiding their talents..
Thank God u all had given ur best... i appreciate that.. ^^
nah.. then it's su ann n my turn to perform d "I hv a dream"..
i was playing pia pia.. n su ann sang.. but unfortunately.. d PA system wasnt working efficiently..
but it's ok.. ppl still can hear it.. thk God :)
not forgetting my mortal..
wow.. nice name ryte? his actual name is Sia JanJean...
he's liqun's fren.. so it's very easy for me to take care of him as an beautiful angel.. [perasan betul]...
i wrote something for him.. n gave him bookmark n sweets..
dunno how to care for him liao..
hope he actually felt the caring of this little angel lah.. [my prayer].. haha..
then for the very first time i received present from my angel.. wow.. cool!
here comes d interesting part..
man!! guess what??
I revealed myself to mr JJ telling that i'm his angel..
our conversation goes this way..
Flo: Hi...
JJ: hello.. [looked at flo with a strange Yan Shen]
Flo: I'm ur angel... [smiling]
JJ: I'm Jan Jean.. [he din seem to und me..]
Flo: ... [speechless+ paiseh+ ran away la..]
sigh* how come la.. he dun und my language keh?
thkfully Liqun told him that i was his angel..
then only he get what i mean juz now..
i think he thought that my name is angel n i so interested to make fren with him.. swt..
but it's ok la.. nvrmind..
coz he also got thks me.. :)
haha.. here comes my "new fren"..
one grp of indian guys came n talked to me actually..
then one of d indian guy seemed to know me quite well..
he even knows i'm d conductor of choir b4 i told him i'm d conductor.. SWT..
he's also choir member of his sch la.. so no wonder..
the thing is... he kept holding my hand when he shook hand with me..
oh no.. i tried to release his hand actually.. but i failed.. he hold my hand too tight d.. zzz...
n d Darren.. dun act silly k?
i knw it's u who touched my hair when i was eating.. LOL..
n fyi, my frens told me that u'r very handsome.. ZD... >.<'' i'm jealous of u la... nobody says i'm pretty also.. haha.. JK jk.. nway.. this pg is quite fun.. nah.. forget one thing.. i passed something to st gabriel prefect to ask them to give to ww.. i'm actually very worried that they will forget to give or something.. haha.. i think they sure feel very curious.. y all of a sudden i wanna give thing to ww n how i knw him ryte?? really hv to thank God n all the prefect who made this pg a successful one.. Mei Fen.. u did a good job ^^ that's all for pg i guess.. here r some pics...
Su ann sang.. & i played
Darren n Flora...

presents frm my angel.. ^^
Prefect's gathering lo..
oh.. und liao.. und liao..
lol.. ss-ing.. [zui kok says i'm ss... zzz.. but nvrmind.. he's d most ss one.. shh.. dun tell him.. lol..]
my sch pg was held on the 11/7/09..
now only i post abt it.. paisehx2...
Ok.. dun really rmbr what exactly happened on that particular day..
but i still rmbr some la..
first first..
morning.. we touched up d program books...
while we're doin this... i actually chatted happily with LQ.. lol...
then i only rmbr we walked arnd d sch for nothing!!
then went to help out with d outdoor faci...
the gathering started..
Miss Goh gave her speech..
she actually asked some ques n told us that St.Gabriel is our brother sch?
i dunno what does "brother sch" means..
but something for sure is that my "brother" is studying there..
is that a coincident or destined?? ha ha..
aft that the pg was followed by ice-breakers..
f4 prefect hang arnd again.. juz helped those grp which were abit blur case la..
later on everyone changed into pj attire and it's time for our indoor GAMES...
huak huak.. man! the only thing i hv a deep impression is the guy frm MBS KL..
he dressed lik a lady with newsppr and he cat walked lik.. oh no.. can und la..
more girly than a lady... that's very "sporting" of u... that's all i can say..
U must hd been enjoying it i suppose.. swt!
it's time for performance girls to show their faces..
nah... first first was aida singing.. then followed by my drama girls..
i really wanna thk God n praise them for what they had performed,
they're qualified to b good actresses!! I'm very proud of u all...
*coz when practises were carried out...
they actually disappointed me.. but in the end.. they're juz hiding their talents..
Thank God u all had given ur best... i appreciate that.. ^^
nah.. then it's su ann n my turn to perform d "I hv a dream"..
i was playing pia pia.. n su ann sang.. but unfortunately.. d PA system wasnt working efficiently..
but it's ok.. ppl still can hear it.. thk God :)
not forgetting my mortal..
wow.. nice name ryte? his actual name is Sia JanJean...
he's liqun's fren.. so it's very easy for me to take care of him as an beautiful angel.. [perasan betul]...
i wrote something for him.. n gave him bookmark n sweets..
dunno how to care for him liao..
hope he actually felt the caring of this little angel lah.. [my prayer].. haha..
then for the very first time i received present from my angel.. wow.. cool!
here comes d interesting part..
man!! guess what??
I revealed myself to mr JJ telling that i'm his angel..
our conversation goes this way..
Flo: Hi...
JJ: hello.. [looked at flo with a strange Yan Shen]
Flo: I'm ur angel... [smiling]
JJ: I'm Jan Jean.. [he din seem to und me..]
Flo: ... [speechless+ paiseh+ ran away la..]
sigh* how come la.. he dun und my language keh?
thkfully Liqun told him that i was his angel..
then only he get what i mean juz now..
i think he thought that my name is angel n i so interested to make fren with him.. swt..
but it's ok la.. nvrmind..
coz he also got thks me.. :)
haha.. here comes my "new fren"..
one grp of indian guys came n talked to me actually..
then one of d indian guy seemed to know me quite well..
he even knows i'm d conductor of choir b4 i told him i'm d conductor.. SWT..
he's also choir member of his sch la.. so no wonder..
the thing is... he kept holding my hand when he shook hand with me..
oh no.. i tried to release his hand actually.. but i failed.. he hold my hand too tight d.. zzz...
n d Darren.. dun act silly k?
i knw it's u who touched my hair when i was eating.. LOL..
n fyi, my frens told me that u'r very handsome.. ZD... >.<'' i'm jealous of u la... nobody says i'm pretty also.. haha.. JK jk.. nway.. this pg is quite fun.. nah.. forget one thing.. i passed something to st gabriel prefect to ask them to give to ww.. i'm actually very worried that they will forget to give or something.. haha.. i think they sure feel very curious.. y all of a sudden i wanna give thing to ww n how i knw him ryte?? really hv to thank God n all the prefect who made this pg a successful one.. Mei Fen.. u did a good job ^^ that's all for pg i guess.. here r some pics...

Su ann sang.. & i played
Darren n Flora...

presents frm my angel.. ^^
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