Saturday, May 30, 2009
Songs composed by Miss Flora Low
Alright.. this song...
hmmm... i dun really rmbr when did i compose it..
but it's somewhere beginning of tis yr if i'm nt mistaken la..
Tis song is actually a portrayal of the incident tat i dun wish to happen which is happening..
so the title of tis song is DON'T...
there'll b lotx and lotx of things tat we dun wish them to happen..
but they do happen...
so learn and grow...
learning and growing is fun ^^
*there are many mistakes when i was playing tis song!
reason [excuse] is i din practice la.. lol... shh...
Ok.. well well... this song ar..
lol... it has a beautiful title..
guess wat is it...
i'm sure u dunno....
haha... it's Raining...
the first time when tis little melody came into my mind..
i rmbr the scene of raining...
tat's how the title came by..
will upload more songs when i'm free to do so..
recently.. still busy with camp stuff la..
so.. enjoy the hols ya... my buddies ^^
miss u all...
so plz comment on these songs...
then i can improve myself... and compose more songs ^.~
thk u everybody ;)
God bless u...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
U knw who u r...
Well.. tis post is posted specially for u ^^
Sry.. no credit to reply liao...
lol.. but tis isn't the matter...
U might think i'm silly..
but i tell u..
bcoz there's true fren exists in tis world...
and my aim for living is to please God.. nt myself.. so..
i'll love everyone juz lik how i love myself...
mayb for certain ppl..
it'll b hard for us to love them..
but we'r also humans..
we do mistakes too..
so.. love one another...
no point making enemies ryte?
dun worry.. of coz i wun simply believe ppl de...
haha... aft tat incident..
i realize how dangerous i am..
so dun worry..
i wun do the same mistake..
btw.. thk God in all circumstances..
tis is how we grow..
one day.. we'll transform into a beautiful butter-fly..
haha.. nt butter and SERIOUSLY.. not FLY..
lol.. but BUTTERFLY.. hahahaha..
smile ppl!
Sry.. no credit to reply liao...
lol.. but tis isn't the matter...
U might think i'm silly..
but i tell u..
bcoz there's true fren exists in tis world...
and my aim for living is to please God.. nt myself.. so..
i'll love everyone juz lik how i love myself...
mayb for certain ppl..
it'll b hard for us to love them..
but we'r also humans..
we do mistakes too..
so.. love one another...
no point making enemies ryte?
dun worry.. of coz i wun simply believe ppl de...
haha... aft tat incident..
i realize how dangerous i am..
so dun worry..
i wun do the same mistake..
btw.. thk God in all circumstances..
tis is how we grow..
one day.. we'll transform into a beautiful butter-fly..
haha.. nt butter and SERIOUSLY.. not FLY..
lol.. but BUTTERFLY.. hahahaha..
smile ppl!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
ha ha!
The jokes below were all stolen from mei fen's blog..
haha.. sry.. always copy paste ppl'z post without permisson.. lol..
hope u hv a gud laugh...
exam season.. stressed man!
so laugh is gud for relieving stress...
ha ha ha ha!
Boy: May i hold your hand?
Girl: No thanks, it isn't heavy.
Girl: Say you love me!! Say you love me!!
Boy: You love me..
Girl: if we become engaged will you give me a ring?
Boy: Sure, what's your phone number?
Girl: i think the poorest people are the happiest.
Boy: then marry me and we will be the happiest couple
Girl: Darling, i want to dance like this forever
Boy: Don't you ever wana improve?
Boy: i love you and i could die for you
Girl: how soon?
Boy: i would go to the end of the world for you!
Girl: yes, but would you stay there?
Man: You remind me of the sea
Woman: because i'm wild, exciting and romantic?
Man: NO, because you make me sick.
Wife: You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and come out of the other
Husband: You tell a woman something, it goes in both ears and come out of the mouth
Mary: John says i'm pretty. Andrew says i'm ugly. what do you think Peter?
Peter: A bit of both. i think you're pretty ugly.
Teacher: what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Pupil: "a teacher"
Waiter: would you like your coffee black?
Customer: what other colors do you have?
Tom: how should i convey the news to my father that i've failed?
David: you just send a telegram: "Result declared, past years performance repeated."
Teacher: can anybody give me an example of COINCIDENCE?
one student: Sir, my mother and father were married on the same day at the same time
haha.. sry.. always copy paste ppl'z post without permisson.. lol..
hope u hv a gud laugh...
exam season.. stressed man!
so laugh is gud for relieving stress...
ha ha ha ha!
Boy: May i hold your hand?
Girl: No thanks, it isn't heavy.
Girl: Say you love me!! Say you love me!!
Boy: You love me..
Girl: if we become engaged will you give me a ring?
Boy: Sure, what's your phone number?
Girl: i think the poorest people are the happiest.
Boy: then marry me and we will be the happiest couple
Girl: Darling, i want to dance like this forever
Boy: Don't you ever wana improve?
Boy: i love you and i could die for you
Girl: how soon?
Boy: i would go to the end of the world for you!
Girl: yes, but would you stay there?
Man: You remind me of the sea
Woman: because i'm wild, exciting and romantic?
Man: NO, because you make me sick.
Wife: You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and come out of the other
Husband: You tell a woman something, it goes in both ears and come out of the mouth
Mary: John says i'm pretty. Andrew says i'm ugly. what do you think Peter?
Peter: A bit of both. i think you're pretty ugly.
Teacher: what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Pupil: "a teacher"
Waiter: would you like your coffee black?
Customer: what other colors do you have?
Tom: how should i convey the news to my father that i've failed?
David: you just send a telegram: "Result declared, past years performance repeated."
Teacher: can anybody give me an example of COINCIDENCE?
one student: Sir, my mother and father were married on the same day at the same time
Monday, May 25, 2009
Choir sunshine.. love it!
A sad song actually..
but indeed a nice song..
the melody, k?
lol.. well naughty here..
doin camp stuff...
then share wif u all lo...
Go view it when u'r free ;)
but indeed a nice song..
the melody, k?
lol.. well naughty here..
doin camp stuff...
then share wif u all lo...
Go view it when u'r free ;)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friends friends!
Well well...
yesterday nite couldnt sleep well actually..
U knw y la...
dunno la..
today sun sch topic is F-R-I-E-N-D-S!
oh my goodness!
is tat coincidence?
no way.. i knw Lord u're telling me something..
wat's tat??
I need to b a fren who likes u?
Well well.. the main point of this topic is..
nobody can actually b as best as jesus..
coz God ryte? knw more than anyone else..
haha.. who dunno... zd...
and God gives us frens when we're in need!
Tis time.. my eng essay..
i wrote the topic on "friends"...
Wow.. crazy la..
wrote lik mad..
many things to say..
coz i hv many many types of frens..
including.. playboy.. swt... gud girl.. funny guy... gud-hearted girl.. talented guy... haha... and.. my admirer.. wahaha.. all of them r my friends...
Look at tis lyric...
Quite meaningful..
we dun hv to bear wat we shouldnt bear..
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
yesterday nite couldnt sleep well actually..
U knw y la...
dunno la..
today sun sch topic is F-R-I-E-N-D-S!
oh my goodness!
is tat coincidence?
no way.. i knw Lord u're telling me something..
wat's tat??
I need to b a fren who likes u?
Well well.. the main point of this topic is..
nobody can actually b as best as jesus..
coz God ryte? knw more than anyone else..
haha.. who dunno... zd...
and God gives us frens when we're in need!
Tis time.. my eng essay..
i wrote the topic on "friends"...
Wow.. crazy la..
wrote lik mad..
many things to say..
coz i hv many many types of frens..
including.. playboy.. swt... gud girl.. funny guy... gud-hearted girl.. talented guy... haha... and.. my admirer.. wahaha.. all of them r my friends...
Look at tis lyric...
Quite meaningful..
we dun hv to bear wat we shouldnt bear..
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you;
you will find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.
Amen... haha...
May God be ur help and refuge at all time...
We no need to carry our burden...
bcoz God adi carried for us..
amen.. :)
hapi to b child of God..
I'll love God forever..
today is sis day.. for my church MIF...
well.. haha.. i think many ppl jealous me [those who din come la]..
coz a handsome guy gave rose+handkerchief wif my name on it to me..
x think so much..
every sis in mif also received rose n handkerchief from handsome guys..
hua hua~ as a gift from brothers.. a big family.. XD...
love the rose..
btw.. first time receiving rose frm guy la..
haha.. feel so funny..
coz it's bcoz of sis day...
will post abt it aft all my exams..
so plz look forward..
will try nt to online til thurs..
coz.. tis time really..
argh~ dunno la..
thx to all the brothers tat had been prepraring so hard for us...
thk u so much.. ^^
hapi sis day to every sis in this world..
as wat peter said..
He is proud to b a guy..
so i wanna tell..
I'm proud to b a girl..
[no need to chase ppl de la..]
tis is something i'll nvr do!
haha! privilege of bein a girl...
but for now i juz wanna stay single and make as many frens as possible..
to make life more interesting..
but i dun think i'll mix with bad ppl..
will only try to change them..
prayin for everyone..
hope everyone has gud health..
free from H1N1!
Gambateh! ;)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Yes! I'm doin well.. :)

nth la...
Now got the H1N1... or so-called influenza A..
so gonna eat more vitamin C.. LOL..
Very hapi today..
coz i eventually started to forget abt tat person..
Feel relieved now..
can nvr knw hw i manage to do tat..
tat's the coolest part of "crushing"..
can forget tat person anytime u want..
Then hor..
i suddenly rmbr i told my fren many advices b4..
haha.. now my turn to tell bck myself..
"Man, can tell you, I am not so fortunate to be in love
and even if I do,that wont last long...
ya, that true...
the gf or bf u have now,
will not be the one you marry with....
so why bother waste time and effort....
you can only develop crush....
or maybe a admire thingy.....
we call it lonely love bf, gf?????
not so easy dude...
I only realized this when flora told me...
and it is very true...
consequences is you will end up
hurting yourself! studies too"
Nvr knw i actually can gv influences to other ppl.. haha.. then now my turn to think bck wat i had told.. Good la..
*btw.. sry.. take ur post without ur permission.. but i dun think my fren will recognize tat's u.. Sry ya..
So today physics.. gonna fail la.. for sure.. haha...
still so hapi?
coz i knw.. last min revising x use...
so gonna go tui tui soon..
Tomorrow bio n sej..
all the best la...
=P God bless n hv a nice day ^^
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Look at the sky!
Today aft finish answerin my BM ppr1...
then i looked into the sky..
Oh my dear!
The sky is lik so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooo
BEAUTIFUL.. i understand wat is beautiful now..
Exam exam and exam...
Is life all abt exams?
definitely NOT!
so i'll nt b controlled by exams!
Yes Flora...
Exams let me understand the beautiness of the sky..
The wonderful creator of the sky is my Lord..
How wonderful is tis?
Love u my Lord..
tmr is gonna be sej test..
love u sej...
love u so much..
yea.. "love" u!
hahaha.. ok la..
try my best to love u ok?
Sej.. dun b sad...
I love u sej... hahaha..
today told my fren COLD JOKE!!
LiQun lenglui was holding an exercise book during recess..
then i suddenly thought of a very cold joke..
Hey! the book "exercise" worh...
hua hua hua hua~
Then.. they showed me cold face...
e... er... er... a... er...
hahahaha... lik to see their funny faces..
So.. cold joke for the day...
Knw how to exercise de book is known as "exercise book"!
God bless...
then i looked into the sky..
Oh my dear!
The sky is lik so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooo
BEAUTIFUL.. i understand wat is beautiful now..
Exam exam and exam...
Is life all abt exams?
definitely NOT!
so i'll nt b controlled by exams!
Yes Flora...
Exams let me understand the beautiness of the sky..
The wonderful creator of the sky is my Lord..
How wonderful is tis?
Love u my Lord..
tmr is gonna be sej test..
love u sej...
love u so much..
yea.. "love" u!
hahaha.. ok la..
try my best to love u ok?
Sej.. dun b sad...
I love u sej... hahaha..
today told my fren COLD JOKE!!
LiQun lenglui was holding an exercise book during recess..
then i suddenly thought of a very cold joke..
Hey! the book "exercise" worh...
hua hua hua hua~
Then.. they showed me cold face...
e... er... er... a... er...
hahahaha... lik to see their funny faces..
So.. cold joke for the day...
Knw how to exercise de book is known as "exercise book"!
God bless...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Very Emo recently.. lol..
Wrote some emo stuff in my chinese blog..
everyone dun salah faham..
i'm single since the day i born till now..
everyone dun salah faham..
i'm single since the day i born till now..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Everything is in God's hand
Wow!! Is tat a COincidence??????????????
IMPOSSIBLE!! the time is exact!
God juz baru blessed me wif a pencil box which is F.O.C...
Then recently my com monitor is spoiled in the sense tat the screen is kinda dark adi.. cnt see pics clearly..
Then.. U knw wat? i bet u dunno.. hua hua hua hua~
One of my teachers in sun sch told me..
"Hey... i got a old monitor which still works well..
but my brother gave me his used more advanced de monitor..
so do u want mine???"
Oh Dear... is tat true??
God bless me again with a monitor which is F.O.C...
she told me.. she also duno how to deal with tat monitor..
so God meets both of our needs.. see tat or not?
1st.. God knws tat i need a monitor badly..
2nd.. God also knws my teacher doesnt knw wat to do wif the monitor which she no longer needs...
So.. God knws everything, ok?
who says God doesnt knw?
who dare to say it?
Thank u Lord!! ;)
IMPOSSIBLE!! the time is exact!
God juz baru blessed me wif a pencil box which is F.O.C...
Then recently my com monitor is spoiled in the sense tat the screen is kinda dark adi.. cnt see pics clearly..
Then.. U knw wat? i bet u dunno.. hua hua hua hua~
One of my teachers in sun sch told me..
"Hey... i got a old monitor which still works well..
but my brother gave me his used more advanced de monitor..
so do u want mine???"
Oh Dear... is tat true??
God bless me again with a monitor which is F.O.C...
she told me.. she also duno how to deal with tat monitor..
so God meets both of our needs.. see tat or not?
1st.. God knws tat i need a monitor badly..
2nd.. God also knws my teacher doesnt knw wat to do wif the monitor which she no longer needs...
So.. God knws everything, ok?
who says God doesnt knw?
who dare to say it?
Thank u Lord!! ;)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My Right EYE!!
I think my schmates knw abt tis adi..
haha... still so hapi when bad thing happens... zd zd...
coz i really feel thkful for tat... i'm not blind!!
On thurs nite..
tat means fri early morning.. abt 1am++ la..
tat time was lik aft chattin happily wif my lobak Qun2 [ex-clsmate]..
and aft solving the add maths ques which i love a lot..
well.. i took two hangers.. one with my white shirt and the other one with my skirt... then.. here is the accident!!
I ter-hit my right eye with the hanger unintentionally!!
OH no! it's aw~ful!!
Knw or nt.. it's lik the hanger go into my eye n out again..
Oh DEAR! it's lik kinda shocking la..
n i quickly went to toilet... looked into the mirror...
i cnt even open my eye man...
then.. slowly.. very slowly..
i opened it.. then...
beautiful colour la..
red red de.. haha.. thk God it's nt bleeding o..
really feel so glad.. my eye was nt bleeding or comes out..
yerr... very Wat Tat...
Then suddenly rmbr tmr means last Fri Cf [Christian Fellowship] youth alpha is goin to talk abt healing..
God's healing.. then in my mind is lik... wow.. is tat relevant??
haha... then tat time kena sure very pain n felt uncomfortable..
so i prayed... tis is my prayer.. 'Oh God.. thk u for i'm nt blind.. nw i really duno how.. coz exams r comin u knw.. n i really dun wan anything to happen to my eye lo.. may You plz relieve the pain of my eye.. and heal my eye let my eye b in a condition which is better than i hvnt kena.. in jesus name, amen..'
So i went n sleep lo...
knw wat.. my eye felt nth when i was sleeping...
amazing ryte?
then the next day..
i can open my eye n see.. really thkful for tat...
now i realize hw imp is my eye...
no matter left or right eye.. i love u all k??
i think now my eye ok adi..
so dun worry ya... ^^
Thank God... :)
haha... still so hapi when bad thing happens... zd zd...
coz i really feel thkful for tat... i'm not blind!!
On thurs nite..
tat means fri early morning.. abt 1am++ la..
tat time was lik aft chattin happily wif my lobak Qun2 [ex-clsmate]..
and aft solving the add maths ques which i love a lot..
well.. i took two hangers.. one with my white shirt and the other one with my skirt... then.. here is the accident!!
I ter-hit my right eye with the hanger unintentionally!!
OH no! it's aw~ful!!
Knw or nt.. it's lik the hanger go into my eye n out again..
Oh DEAR! it's lik kinda shocking la..
n i quickly went to toilet... looked into the mirror...
i cnt even open my eye man...
then.. slowly.. very slowly..
i opened it.. then...
beautiful colour la..
red red de.. haha.. thk God it's nt bleeding o..
really feel so glad.. my eye was nt bleeding or comes out..
yerr... very Wat Tat...
Then suddenly rmbr tmr means last Fri Cf [Christian Fellowship] youth alpha is goin to talk abt healing..
God's healing.. then in my mind is lik... wow.. is tat relevant??
haha... then tat time kena sure very pain n felt uncomfortable..
so i prayed... tis is my prayer.. 'Oh God.. thk u for i'm nt blind.. nw i really duno how.. coz exams r comin u knw.. n i really dun wan anything to happen to my eye lo.. may You plz relieve the pain of my eye.. and heal my eye let my eye b in a condition which is better than i hvnt kena.. in jesus name, amen..'
So i went n sleep lo...
knw wat.. my eye felt nth when i was sleeping...
amazing ryte?
then the next day..
i can open my eye n see.. really thkful for tat...
now i realize hw imp is my eye...
no matter left or right eye.. i love u all k??
i think now my eye ok adi..
so dun worry ya... ^^
Thank God... :)
Who knws? God knws..

The NEW pencil box.. so Romantic ryte? lol..
Got holes adi!!
Kesian the zip.. haha..
but u served me for many years adi.. so thk u ya.. ;) it's time for u to rest in peace.. haha...
Who knws? God knws..!!!
Still rmbr or not? i posted abt my spoiled pencil box??
well.. knw wat??
wat's the result?? aft telling God i really need a new pencil box liao..
Coz the old one tak boleh dipakai lagi..
banyak barang jatuh sini dan sana.. susah la...
Then.. Deng Deng Deng Deng..
i forget how the process goes liao...
but God blessed me with a very nice pencil box!
SERIOUS! no joking here..
the pencil box is given by my fren ^^
show u my previous and current pencil box..
see wat so special abt them... lol~
Thank God!! ^^
God is gud all the time..
All the time God is gud...
many ppl envy me for hvin such a pretty pencil box..
btw.. thanks to Jasmine too ^^
really thk u very very much...
Why ME???
Yea.. juz cried when i was playin piano ("pain"o)<-- typin error..
dunno when izit.. but it's recently... i think it is last few days before..
Seriously.. very sad abt sumthing.. but aft cryin.. feel no point to b sad..
i'm x the only person on earth.. N God loves me forever.. wat shall i b sad abt??
then today.. yea... kinda stressed thinkin abt EXAMz...
later.. i read sumthing n totally agree wif tat la..
so gonna share it.. Gud things must b shared ryte?
cnt b so selfish.. haha.. i sell crabs.. zzz.. (cold la..)
So here it's...
God has a purpose behind every PROBLEM...He uses circumstances to develop our character.
U most profound n intimate experiences of worship will likely b in ur darkest days. U'll nvr know that God is all ur need until God is all u hv got...
There's a Grand Designer behind everything. Your life is nt a result of random chance, fate, or luck. There's a master plan. History is His (God) story. God is pulling the strings. We make mistakes but God nvr does... God cant make a mistake- becoz He is God. (We must submit ourselves to God in order to let God rules over our lives....)
"The plan i(God) hv for u r plans to prosper u and not to harm u, plans to give u hope n a future..."
problems dont automatically produce what God intends. Many ppl bcum bitter, rather than better, and nvr grow up. We hv to respond the way Jesus would....
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for u in Christ Jesus. Give thanks "in all circumstances" not "for all circumstances". God doesnt expect u to b thankful for evil, for sin, for suffering or their painful consequences in the world. Instead, God wants u to thk Him that He will use ur problems to fulfill His purposes. SO..
If u'r facing trouble ryte now, dont ask, "Why me??" Instead ask, "What do u want me to learn?" Then trust God and keep on doin wat's right. Dont give up :)
God will nvr leave us... NEVER!
Flora Low Ngah Earn is very hapi today ^^
hua hua hua hua~
Monday, May 11, 2009
Informing u! WLGG
From my wu liao Goh Goh:
"1st of all,i found back my sis
she and i was been apart by some stupid problem
since we are baby
and she is so damm wu liao
and so luckily,i found her back
(actually she is the one who found me)"
From ur mui mui:
"Sweat! U really very very WU LIAO erh!
haha!! dun use the word "damn" la..
use the word "super", sounds nicer ^^
I found u de merh? u told me Wu Liao de stuff first one worh..
LOL... aiya.. both both same wu liao lah!
Wu Liao Twins o.. hehe ^^
Thk God let me found you lo..
if nt i one person wu liao.. sienz la..
ppl dun und me.. lol..
Nvr knw tat u'r so wu liao until i realize u'r my Goh Goh..
wow.. for 16 yrs we have been apart..
such a long time o..
LOL! miss ur wu liao stories...
Gambateh ya! God bless Wu Liao Goh Goh"
The thing which makes me hapi for a looong time.. LOL..

Knw wat? i'm hapi!
yeah! even though we din get to beat CBN..
but we hd tried our best by beatin ourselves ^^
Wat r u talkin, Flora?
Opps.. forget to mention..
I'm talkin abt Choir Competition which was held on last thurs..
1st place is CBN lo..
2nd is seri mutiara... [nvr knw they hv a strong team]
3rd is wangsa Melawati
4th... SMK ST MARY..
many of us cried..
but as a conductor.. must b tought ryte?
so i restrained my tears.. even though i knw it's painful..
Then i think the problem wif our girls is the ATTITUDE lo..
everytime i shouted and shouted.. but they always refused to listen..
ah ah.. naughty la.. x respect me AT ALL!
thought wat i m?
senang dibuli? transparent? Juz a small size girl?
U'r definitely wrong!!
i dun wanna make u girls unhapi and hate me only...
bcoz i love u all.. but wat u all gave me..
i really dun und u all... T.T...
Juz wanna relieve my pain..
forgive them.. for they duno wat they'r doin.. haha...
So i decided.. aft this june hols...
Flora will turn to a female TIGER!
scary ryte? coz if i love them.. i must discipline them too.. cnt juz dun wan them to dislike or hate me... i'm doin all these for their own gud.. they wanna appreciate it or nt.. is up to them la.. one day they will knw hw much i love them...
I told my frens i do these out of my love for them..
then very swt! peter said i sounded motherly.. zd zd! HAHA..
sounded OLD izit? lol.. jk jk...
Nvrmind... i still got choral speaking la..
well... the ultimate goal is nt beat CBN la..
coz with my cls students' attitude also cnt b so ambitious...
lik wat u said.. dun b so ambitous la.. haha...
ok ok.. but at least i hope we get into final lik top 5 or wat la..
really wish that happens...
ok.. wat makes me so hapi?
on last thurs.. i was lik really depressed...
but thankfully.. i still got my Wu Liao Goh Goh comforted me..
Thk u so much o.. then i felt much better la..
a joke here..
when i went on the stage to take the 4th place's prize..
my fren said a guy sat behind him said.. "Aiyo.. tis girl.. slimmer than my finger.." I was imagining... how can i b slimmer than his finger?
izit he has a largest finger in the world? zdzd~~
On last Friday...
my fren came n told me..
Hey! ur trophy is under ur desk o..
wat trophy? Choir?
Yeah! Yes! Yahoo! Fu-Yoo! Yah!!
i screamed lik CRAZY basically.. LOL..
coz it's always my dream to get choir comp trophy..
God hears my prayer.. thk God.. nvr knw God also likes to give surprise.. U'r so gud to me la... somemore blessed me with many nice frens..
I duno fourth place also got trophy.. i thought only the 1st place gt..
haha.. then lik watching cbn takes only.. sad la.. but who knws?
we also get!! yeah!!!
show u the pic of my trophy..
The thing which makes me hapi for a looong time.. LOL..
I cant accept the FACT!!
Hello... Hello...
This time is seriously disgusting!!
Yesterday... Yes!terday...
Knw wat... U will nvr knw unless i tell u ryte?
haha.. so gonna tell now..
i went to a Pan Mee shop [near my house area one]...
And i ordered Gan Lao Pan Mee.. means x soup one la..
then the colour is lik dark brown.. as usual..
well.. i was happily eatin it..
on the half way i eatin...
i saw something looked lik a cockroach..
then i took a closer look...
my mouth opened big til can reach my eye level, lik tis ----> 'O'
WHAT? it's a cockroach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant accept the FACT!! a FACT!!
I told my mum.. [mother's day ryte?]
then.. swt la! my mum din believe me..
wat to do.. ask my sis lo..
then my sis saw it too...
Ma Ma.. it's really a cockroach.. she said
only then my mum believes...
therefore.. we complained to the person in charge there la...
tat person asked me 'want a new one?'
Oh No! OFCOZ i DUN want la..
later got cockroach somemore..
and Oh Dear! The coakroach is juz same colour with my Pan Mee..
and duno the cockroach went to where before.. [eg. toilet.. longkang.. oh no!!] juz dun mention it anymore..
Thankfully is the whole coakroach there..
nt half of it.. if nt.. i gonna enter hospital n do operation..
haha.. Jk Jk.. juz a cockroach ok?
[tryin to comfort myself now..]
I told my fren tat i hvnt even tried sharing Pan Mee wif my bf..
then the cockroach adi shared with me...
Then next time hw m i gonna tell my bf?
"tis is nt the first time i share the Pan mee...
Cockroach is the one.. who bcums the first.." >.<'' <---cold joke only..
Thk God i din lik cirit-birit or wat la..
really Thk God for tat :)
i decided.. Not to go there for breakfast or any meal for ANYMORE!
T.T.. cockroach.. dun curi makan Pan mee anymore!!
I dun wanna share with u!
I rather u hv the whole plate of it than i share half of it with u..
Crying.. T.T~ wuwu~
This time is seriously disgusting!!
Yesterday... Yes!terday...
Knw wat... U will nvr knw unless i tell u ryte?
haha.. so gonna tell now..
i went to a Pan Mee shop [near my house area one]...
And i ordered Gan Lao Pan Mee.. means x soup one la..
then the colour is lik dark brown.. as usual..
well.. i was happily eatin it..
on the half way i eatin...
i saw something looked lik a cockroach..
then i took a closer look...
my mouth opened big til can reach my eye level, lik tis ----> 'O'
WHAT? it's a cockroach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant accept the FACT!! a FACT!!
I told my mum.. [mother's day ryte?]
then.. swt la! my mum din believe me..
wat to do.. ask my sis lo..
then my sis saw it too...
Ma Ma.. it's really a cockroach.. she said
only then my mum believes...
therefore.. we complained to the person in charge there la...
tat person asked me 'want a new one?'
Oh No! OFCOZ i DUN want la..
later got cockroach somemore..
and Oh Dear! The coakroach is juz same colour with my Pan Mee..
and duno the cockroach went to where before.. [eg. toilet.. longkang.. oh no!!] juz dun mention it anymore..
Thankfully is the whole coakroach there..
nt half of it.. if nt.. i gonna enter hospital n do operation..
haha.. Jk Jk.. juz a cockroach ok?
[tryin to comfort myself now..]
I told my fren tat i hvnt even tried sharing Pan Mee wif my bf..
then the cockroach adi shared with me...
Then next time hw m i gonna tell my bf?
"tis is nt the first time i share the Pan mee...
Cockroach is the one.. who bcums the first.." >.<'' <---cold joke only..
Thk God i din lik cirit-birit or wat la..
really Thk God for tat :)
i decided.. Not to go there for breakfast or any meal for ANYMORE!
T.T.. cockroach.. dun curi makan Pan mee anymore!!
I dun wanna share with u!
I rather u hv the whole plate of it than i share half of it with u..
Crying.. T.T~ wuwu~
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thank You! :)
Thank u Lord...
Thank u my father and mother and my only elder sis..
Thank u my frenssssssss......
Thank u everyone..
Thank u oxygen... hua hua~
Thank u Newton for making me hv to study so much.. zzz..
Thank u for those who betrayed me.. U guys really let me und tis world is nt as gud as i think... n i learnt.. i still love u all even though u betrayed me.. bcoz i forgive u as my Father in heaven has forgiven me.. ;) no one is perfect.. we do do mistakes.. so.. no point hatin u while i hv the choice to love u... (perhaps the ppl who betrayed me also dunno he/she have betrayed me.. lol.. so it's ok..)
Thank u Thank u Thank u...
haha... thank u thank u.. tis magic word seemed to b lik so hard to b heard from teenagers' mouths...
Dentist will ask u to open ur mouth wider..
But now Flora is goin to tell u to open ur mouth wider.. to...
say Thank U.. >.<''
haha...ppl will surely say.. zd.. 'Flora says' worh~... zzz...
hey! Y suddenly u go n talk abt Thank You?
No la.. my fren today told me..
many many ppl dunno who to appreciate my fren's kindness... they dunno hw to say thk u or even b thkful u knw.. oh.. ok ok..
hmmm... i think it's quite normal.. when Jesus helped ppl.. only one out of ten said thk u to Jesus.. oh no.. tat's very super terrible ryte...
Then i also think n reflect on myself..
Flora a Flora.. r u the type tat will thnk and appreciate ppl?
well.. i feel thkful la.. but i dunno how to lik show my appreciation towards those who has helped me.. so i think some of them might think i din apreciate them but actually i do lo..
the fact is... (another topic liao now)
lol.. i actually typed alot alot of things de..
but my com broke down all of a sudden.. so no idea lo..
n gonna continue next time la..
HAND [hv a nice day]..
learnt tat frm my fren TODAY also..
LOL... gudnitez!
Thank u my father and mother and my only elder sis..
Thank u my frenssssssss......
Thank u everyone..
Thank u oxygen... hua hua~
Thank u Newton for making me hv to study so much.. zzz..
Thank u for those who betrayed me.. U guys really let me und tis world is nt as gud as i think... n i learnt.. i still love u all even though u betrayed me.. bcoz i forgive u as my Father in heaven has forgiven me.. ;) no one is perfect.. we do do mistakes.. so.. no point hatin u while i hv the choice to love u... (perhaps the ppl who betrayed me also dunno he/she have betrayed me.. lol.. so it's ok..)
Thank u Thank u Thank u...
haha... thank u thank u.. tis magic word seemed to b lik so hard to b heard from teenagers' mouths...
Dentist will ask u to open ur mouth wider..
But now Flora is goin to tell u to open ur mouth wider.. to...
say Thank U.. >.<''
haha...ppl will surely say.. zd.. 'Flora says' worh~... zzz...
hey! Y suddenly u go n talk abt Thank You?
No la.. my fren today told me..
many many ppl dunno who to appreciate my fren's kindness... they dunno hw to say thk u or even b thkful u knw.. oh.. ok ok..
hmmm... i think it's quite normal.. when Jesus helped ppl.. only one out of ten said thk u to Jesus.. oh no.. tat's very super terrible ryte...
Then i also think n reflect on myself..
Flora a Flora.. r u the type tat will thnk and appreciate ppl?
well.. i feel thkful la.. but i dunno how to lik show my appreciation towards those who has helped me.. so i think some of them might think i din apreciate them but actually i do lo..
the fact is... (another topic liao now)
lol.. i actually typed alot alot of things de..
but my com broke down all of a sudden.. so no idea lo..
n gonna continue next time la..
HAND [hv a nice day]..
learnt tat frm my fren TODAY also..
LOL... gudnitez!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wait.. forget one thing..
My pencil box spoiled adi..
Got anyone wanna get a new one for me?
haha.. jk only la..
Recently.. got dunno who la.. put a new eraser into my pencil box silently..
God put it in keh?
It's nt cheap k??
Who la? gv me free eraser?
My admirer? or mayb is my family la..
haha.. for now i guess is my dad la..
coz only he will buy tat for me, i guess..
if it's u.. tell me la!!
Dun lik secret admirer..
ya.. i might An Shuang.. [hapi silently..]
but i think if u tell me u admire me..
i will more shuang lorh..
Sorry la..
I'm juz kidding..
i knw some ppl really so sensitive one.
think i very sombong or wat..
sigh.. sienz la..
Kidding only!!!
ok la.. dun mind so much..
gonna rest now.. gudnite!
Got anyone wanna get a new one for me?
haha.. jk only la..
Recently.. got dunno who la.. put a new eraser into my pencil box silently..
God put it in keh?
It's nt cheap k??
Who la? gv me free eraser?
My admirer? or mayb is my family la..
haha.. for now i guess is my dad la..
coz only he will buy tat for me, i guess..
if it's u.. tell me la!!
Dun lik secret admirer..
ya.. i might An Shuang.. [hapi silently..]
but i think if u tell me u admire me..
i will more shuang lorh..
Sorry la..
I'm juz kidding..
i knw some ppl really so sensitive one.
think i very sombong or wat..
sigh.. sienz la..
Kidding only!!!
ok la.. dun mind so much..
gonna rest now.. gudnite!
We change!!
Always hear tat from my frens.. "knw u busy la..."
feel extremely BAD actually...
Well.. wat to do??
a- cut down kk activities Impossible!
b- dun on tv I hv nvr on it for yrs i guess!
c- dun sleep Will surely get scolded!
d- dun eat Dun Joke wif me k?
e- dun go tuition Ya.. i'm nt attendin also except forced to go Chinese cls
f- dun do hws la.. if i can i wish to do so..
g- dun study lo.. settle.. SamPat ar? got chance also dun wanna study..
h- so how?
When situation cnt change.. WE CHANGE! be smart k?
Lol.. wun tell u my secret la..
coz i hv no secret of hw i manage to live such a BUSY life..
i think i'm much busier than a business man or even bee..
hua hua...
Recently.. nt recently.. is i did realize it long ago..
my general knowledge is O%...
serious.. so.. kinda "depressed"... haha..
(where got ppl depressed still laugh one?)
Got Got.. me lo... special case man...
Ok.. forget to ThanK God..
yea.. Thk God! Our sch choir team managed to get into top 5...
This Thurs gonna b our final comp..
All the best ppl..
I love u all.. muacks... ^^
My sch PK very the funny lo..
She said.. tis year! we MUST beat CBN...
seriously.. no dendam with them also..
haha... hope we can get the first.. then can wakil KL..
it'll b my great honour to win tat..
All glory b unto the Lord..
if God din create me.. i also wun exist nway..
Sry to my fren la..
i did something very wrong in the beginning..
it seemed to b too late for me to regret... T.T~
if time can Dao Liu.. wat will i do?
I wun tell u wat happened then..
haha.. but it's IMPOSSIBLE for time to Dao Liu.. so??
> apply tis!
"when situation cnt b changed.. WE CHANGE!"
To be quite candid wif u..
I dunno hw to change lerh...
change my mind? no way lorh..
It's nw another thing liao la...
God's purpose for our lives,
We'll bcum frustrated by our circumstances.
We'll wonder, " Why's this happenin to me?
Why am i hvin such a difficult time?"
One answer is tat life is supposed to be difficult...
It's wat enable us to GROW!!!
Rmbr.. earth is not heaven la...
I read tis in dictonary dunno when la..
i find something very very the inter-esting.. haha..
we can use negative word to make a positive sentence..
so we can see our stressed as desserts!!
See this:
Whatever trials overtake him,
he nvr repines.
Repines is a negative word.. it brings negative meaning..
but we can see it in a positive way..
when situation doesnt change.. WE CHANGE!
i still got lots more words to go..
but it seemed tat time is askin me to stop here...
will post abt my Wu Liao Goh Goh soon..
tell u a very very the inte-restin de story..
hua hua...~
So gonna end wif tis...
yea.. no doubt.. gonna b writing abt God again.. haha!
I love God.. wat to do?
"Oh dear Lord, how I love Your teachings!
I think abt them all day long.".... love God so much...
so.. wat is relevent to wat we love is imp for us ryte??
I love Bible.. haha...
next time gonna tell my boyfren..
I love all ur words.. bcoz i love u... so everything abt u seemed so important to me.. including the way u smile.. the way u walk.. the way u talk.. everything.. yes.. everything.. i cnt stop thinkin abt u.. how cum? wat hv u done to me? oh no.. i got no way to escape... lol~ juz "thinkin" too much here.. still single.. so it's ok.. =P
"The Bible was nt given to increase our knowledge but to CHANGE our LIVES..."
All the best for every student who is goin to face exam very very SOON...
May God bless u wif wisdom n gud health..
Jia You o!! All my frens there.. i love u all.. yeah!
feel extremely BAD actually...
Well.. wat to do??
a- cut down kk activities Impossible!
b- dun on tv I hv nvr on it for yrs i guess!
c- dun sleep Will surely get scolded!
d- dun eat Dun Joke wif me k?
e- dun go tuition Ya.. i'm nt attendin also except forced to go Chinese cls
f- dun do hws la.. if i can i wish to do so..
g- dun study lo.. settle.. SamPat ar? got chance also dun wanna study..
h- so how?
When situation cnt change.. WE CHANGE! be smart k?
Lol.. wun tell u my secret la..
coz i hv no secret of hw i manage to live such a BUSY life..
i think i'm much busier than a business man or even bee..
hua hua...
Recently.. nt recently.. is i did realize it long ago..
my general knowledge is O%...
serious.. so.. kinda "depressed"... haha..
(where got ppl depressed still laugh one?)
Got Got.. me lo... special case man...
Ok.. forget to ThanK God..
yea.. Thk God! Our sch choir team managed to get into top 5...
This Thurs gonna b our final comp..
All the best ppl..
I love u all.. muacks... ^^
My sch PK very the funny lo..
She said.. tis year! we MUST beat CBN...
seriously.. no dendam with them also..
haha... hope we can get the first.. then can wakil KL..
it'll b my great honour to win tat..
All glory b unto the Lord..
if God din create me.. i also wun exist nway..
Sry to my fren la..
i did something very wrong in the beginning..
it seemed to b too late for me to regret... T.T~
if time can Dao Liu.. wat will i do?
I wun tell u wat happened then..
haha.. but it's IMPOSSIBLE for time to Dao Liu.. so??
> apply tis!
"when situation cnt b changed.. WE CHANGE!"
To be quite candid wif u..
I dunno hw to change lerh...
change my mind? no way lorh..
It's nw another thing liao la...
God's purpose for our lives,
We'll bcum frustrated by our circumstances.
We'll wonder, " Why's this happenin to me?
Why am i hvin such a difficult time?"
One answer is tat life is supposed to be difficult...
It's wat enable us to GROW!!!
Rmbr.. earth is not heaven la...
I read tis in dictonary dunno when la..
i find something very very the inter-esting.. haha..
we can use negative word to make a positive sentence..
so we can see our stressed as desserts!!
See this:
Whatever trials overtake him,
he nvr repines.
Repines is a negative word.. it brings negative meaning..
but we can see it in a positive way..
when situation doesnt change.. WE CHANGE!
i still got lots more words to go..
but it seemed tat time is askin me to stop here...
will post abt my Wu Liao Goh Goh soon..
tell u a very very the inte-restin de story..
hua hua...~
So gonna end wif tis...
yea.. no doubt.. gonna b writing abt God again.. haha!
I love God.. wat to do?
"Oh dear Lord, how I love Your teachings!
I think abt them all day long.".... love God so much...
so.. wat is relevent to wat we love is imp for us ryte??
I love Bible.. haha...
next time gonna tell my boyfren..
I love all ur words.. bcoz i love u... so everything abt u seemed so important to me.. including the way u smile.. the way u walk.. the way u talk.. everything.. yes.. everything.. i cnt stop thinkin abt u.. how cum? wat hv u done to me? oh no.. i got no way to escape... lol~ juz "thinkin" too much here.. still single.. so it's ok.. =P
"The Bible was nt given to increase our knowledge but to CHANGE our LIVES..."
All the best for every student who is goin to face exam very very SOON...
May God bless u wif wisdom n gud health..
Jia You o!! All my frens there.. i love u all.. yeah!
True Love Waits
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