Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Oh no! Should i lie? T.T~
T.T... i'm really very confused!
Sry Lord.. i did something wrong.. n i knw it's very wrong..
I knw.. Sorry... T.T...
I lied my fren in order to care for her feeling...
I knw it's wrong to tell lies...
But yet.. i'm weak.. I knw i got my weaknesses... Plz forgive me.. T.T..
The situation goes tis way..
there's tis fren of mine.. committed a lot of so-called 'crimes'.. So she dipecat la..
n in a special meetin (prefect's meetin la) ...zzz...
teacher did mention abt her things in front of every prefects..
N told us.. it's nt to show tat wat she had done.. but to let us knw we must nt b lik her n we must b more concern abt her.. help her.. bla bla bla la..
Then then.. say until here.. really feel lik cryin man.. T.T~
Today! YES! TODAY!
She asked me during Chemistry lesson..
'A.. Flora.. come.. wanna ask u something..'
[in my heart knwin wat she's goin to ask me n at tat vry moment juz wish tat i wasnt put into tis situation.. ~.~'']
Then.. she asked me..
'Flora, did they mention abt me in the meetin yesterday?'
Then... [for the sake of protectin her feelings] i said.. "NO..."ARGH!!! wat was i doin??
She asked me another ques.. 'then they got say someone dipecat or nt?'
Then i knw i shouldnt commit the same sin again..
so thkfully i said.. "yes..."...
BUT.. then she wanted a assurance..
thus, she asked.. 'So they juz mention got ppl dipecat but din say abt me la?' N guess wat...
I FAILED!! i nodded... T.T~
So.. should i lie in tis situation??
I think abt it so hard when i was bck home..
coz no time to think abt it at all in sch..
Then i come out wif a conclusion..
the answer is NO!! it's definitely a NO!!!
coz in bible says we shouldnt lie..
no means no!
I rmbr Jesus always answers ppl with ques...
so i think in tis situation..
must use a lot of thinkin skill la..
i must nt lie to her la..
instead of lying.. i should hv asked her..
"wat do u think?"...
"If they did mention abt u.. wat do u think they'll say abt?"
then keep on askin her ques.. she SURE will get scare ryte?
LOL.. and at tis time.. is the best time to convince her to do good.. n change... for the sake of herself n others.. n for the name of our prefectorial board n sch!!!
I knw.. it's always a reason or purpose behind something tat happen..
Tf[therefore], i wanna thk God for everything..
dear God..
wat happen to me?
i think i really miss somebody too much..
cant i juz dun miss tat person ar?
it's always a normal thing happens to teenagers ryte?
Ignoring.. yet.. problem still occur..
But i think time will solve my problem..
Juz see how it goes...
Chemistry tuition!
argh~~~ the tuition center doesnt provide students with transports...
so.. decided to go for another tuition centre..
but i only hv one choice..
so only will go in May.. aft all the choral sepakin n choir competitions la..
Gambateh dear Flora!
haha... must encourage ourself sometimes..
=P Gambateh everyone! God loves us!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Goin to b vry busy liao... T.T...
Dun really lik it.. but thk God for everything la..
Learnin how to do so many things fast but yet nt juz handing in simply simply siapkan punya work la..
yea.. recently still very embarrassing myself..
i really hv to think hard wat had happen to me..
my eng is lik so... so.. so.. 'low' standard...
So.. gonna work very hard..
coz takin EST also.. if eng also i cnt manage to do it well.. how abt using it for the subject ryte...
prefect's gathering thing is coming.. i really hv no idea wat to do la..
for the performances.. got any excellent idea?
Help me if u cn la.. really dunno how..
In June.. gonna come very soon n gone very soon...
Gambateh for myself la... LOL...
take care ;)
What change the life??
27But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
28Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
29And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.
30Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.
31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
32For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.
33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.
34And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.
35But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest (God): for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father(God) also is merciful.
i think it's nt really easy to live the way we supposed to live sometimes.. but we'll surely b blessed when we'r livin in the correct way.. isn't true?
I dun lik to follow crowd actually.. coz i think n think... sometimes.. wat the things tat many ppl do or follow dont really correct or helpful.. lik revenge.. i really feel No point to revenge ppl who did something wrong to me.. coz i'm also a sinner.. i always do wrong too! and i admit i always offence ppl unintentionally.. coz different culture.. And yet.. God forgives me.. if God can forgives me.. y cnt i forgive others? when i'm juz a sinner lik anyone else.. revenge only bring unhapiness to both sides in the end of the story.. i dun lik tragedies... life is short! always sayin tat lik old ppl liao.. hua hua.. many ppl say i lik aunty, the way i speak is nt lik a teenager.... but i dun think so.. coz i'm creative! Yo!.. zzz...
Okla.. end now la.. if nt tak habis2 talkin here.. later no time jorh...
Truth doesn't change life;
Life changes when truth applied!
So frenz...
wat change our lives?
when truth applied..
knw the truth but dun apply it also = x use..
Do wat's correct instead of follow the crowd..;)
Make a difference in u n my life..
Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm blessed... :)
for i hv many great frens..
It's really true.. if u give something to God.. God will return u more than wat u fancy.. Doing things for God is worth... and meanigful for me..
Ppl dun see nvr mind.. God knws everythings we do kan..
tis is very true...
"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."
1 John 2:16
Still rmbr one fren said... Hmmm.. Christians lik forcin themselves to do good.. i dun think so lo.. coz i knw i do good is bcoz it's supposed to b the way of how human should live.. and i do it willingly.. and now i understand d.. where i got the strength to do good.. the answer is in this colour....
1 John 4
7Beloved, may we love one another, because the love is of God, and every one who is loving, of God he hath been begotten, and doth know God;
8he who is not loving did not know God, because God is love.
9In this was manifested the love of God in us, because His Son -- the only begotten -- hath God sent to the world, that we may live through him;
10in this is the love, not that we loved God, but that He did love us, and did send His Son a propitiation for our sins.
11Beloved, if thus did God love us, we also ought one another to love;
12God no one hath ever seen; if we may love one another, God in us doth remain, and His love is having been perfected in us;
13in this we know that in Him we do remain, and He in us, because of His Spirit He hath given us.
14And we -- we have seen and do testify, that the Father hath sent the Son -- Saviour of the world;
15whoever may confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God in him doth remain, and he in God;
16and we -- we have known and believed the love, that God hath in us; God is love, and he who is remaining in the love, in God he doth remain, and God in him.
17In this made perfect hath been the love with us, that boldness we may have in the day of the judgment, because even as He is, we -- we also are in this world;
18fear is not in the love, but the perfect love doth cast out the fear, because the fear hath punishment, and he who is fearing hath not been made perfect in the love;
19we -- we love him, because He -- He first loved us;
20if any one may say -- `I love God,' and his brother he may hate, a liar he is; for he who is not loving his brother whom he hath seen, God -- whom he hath not seen -- how is he able to love?
21and this `is' the command we have from Him, that he who is loving God, may also love his brother.
we all love others bcoz we knw hw much God loves us..
hehe.. hapi wif the answer?
watever la...
well.. if ppl dun kind to u..
Juz be kind to them...
be different! tat's wat really means 'Cool..' cool= different from others
'Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.' Romans 12:21
Good always wins ;)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Let u choose...
wat's the ques.. everyone is wondering ryte?
"Do u tell this to everyone?"
wat a ques i can ever get?
Sry la.. can say.. i dun hv the courage to tell everyone lorh..
pretty sad.. nt pretty sad only.. is extremely sad when i knw someone dunno abt the truth.. it's God loves them... God willing to lied down His life only for u n i..
tat day.. teacher asked for religion... n the thing which really sadden my heart is.. two of my BEST frens!! sayin they're nt Christians.. i couldnt describe how sad i was at tat moment... no words can describe the level of sadness i hv... Y am i so sad? when u knw the truth u'll und my feelings!
God is waiting for u...
God is waiting for u...
People knw there's a God n they need the Lord..
But many of them juz deny it!
tell u honestly.. no one can fill the emptiness of our hearts except the REAL God!
Only either way...
U belong to God or Devil..
We belong to God.. nt belong to tis temporary punya earth..
I dun mean we all dun live, ok?
Our aim living should b glorify God..
heaven is made for us..
many will dislike Christian..
tis is adi said in the bible..
so.. isnt wat the bible says is true?
No servant is bigger than the master..
Jesus also be rejected by many.. so how abt the servants ryte?
*servants means followers of Christ
Well.. tis post might be something tat some ppl hv no idea wat m i trying to say.. but i think for Christians.. they knw.. N Jesus knws wat i'm talking..
There're two worlds actually..
Unseen n seen..
the seen world is juz TEMPORARY..
but the unseen world last FOREVER..
our bodies is temporary..
but our souls last FOREVER...
Y do i tell u all these..
coz i rather u hate me then u suffer forever..
und? hope u und la..
I'm nt being force to do good..
I'm relieve from Bad.. it's the TRUE freedom.. if u can dun do bad as u wish.. u'r free from it... if u can do good as u wish.. u really hv the true freedom.. true freedom is when u knw u'r free from doing bad things.. no burden then...
Do good supposed b the way human lives..
y the problems come?
when the devils come to destroy n man is nt living the correct way they supposed to live..
Ok la..
God has His plan n time..
I'm praying for u, k?
haha.. hope u always smile..
May God's peace be with u..
*~Donna Nobis Pacem~*
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sick d.. =( + vry Fish o..
hvin influenza+sore throat... so San Fu la... T.T..
some more choral speaking final competition is on tis Fri!!
Plz pray for me la.. if u see tis.. Lol...
Pray for this coming weekend also... coz is CF camp..
Got any prayer requests juz tell me la..
Help u to post here or pray for u secretly also can...
Really 'Fish' [embarrassing] recently...
oh NO!!!
dunno where to hide my face la...
first first is my poor eng la...
the word 'differentiate' i go n tell 'different SHAPE'..
the next one is 'stylish' i dunno how to spell it.. then i asked my fren la..
U knw how i spell it? "STYLIS".. i think i'm kinda 'childish' la... no la... more to 'FISH'.. all end wif '-sh' one..
the next thing is.. the MOST fish one..
knw i sore throat.. nt in gud mood.. then i ordered Wan Tan Mee...
the ppl gave me fried Wan Tan.. i very very Bu Shuang.. unhapi la.. coz my throat is aching seriously... then i juz told my dad in a very Bu Shuang way.. 'haiya.. y they give me the Zha Wan Tan?'.. my dad said..'u can still change since u hvnt eat it'..
then the FISH thing happens here!!! the seller HEARD!! i din say it out loud purposely... oh my dear!! I dunno she actually heard it!
then she change the Shui Wan Tan for me! oh no!!
i really din knw tat the seller was actually watching me saying all these words! i really felt so so so embarrassing at tat moment.. n got lubang also cnt hide my face... dunno where to hide la... hope i was as small as an ant.. so they cnt recognize me.. hehe^^ [still cold la...]
cold flora.. cold plant..
hua hua.. the snowflake tat always laugh...
hope everyone will laugh more often also..
knw.. the E channel.. said.. all the top 25 stylish faces they smile often.. so they look good.. i believe if everyone smile more often.. everyone will look better (-.<)o
S.M.I.L.E. =D
Thx ^^

CF teachers gave one.. TOUCHED... T.T... btw.. cute or not? [luks lik me hor? mayb they saw tis so alike wif me so they bought?.. -.-'']

& tis is the b'lated b'day card from my dearest CF committees.. oh my dear.. Make me even touched... =')

Dun worry la.. aft reading all ur msg ryte.. I think u girls r worry tat it might b kinda late.. but it doesnt matter.. i really feel thkful n appreciate all wat u girls hd done for me.. T.T...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Take ur time to read my blogs la..
later suffer lo... lol..
Juz forget one thing..
wanna say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all the CF committees ya (^.^)o
Love u girls.. U girls also sang me a b'day song last fri, gave me a present n BIG card... without i expecting it.. thk u la ^^ Thk God.. :)
even though it's kinda late.. but it's nt the matter coz late is always better than dun hv ryte? i really appreciate all of u ^^
Today got the MOOD n TIME to blog la.. >.<''
Philip Tan Zi Jing- my kai goh's b'day

My mum
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Who says?
LOL.. see wat my fren said!!
<Jun>: Flora! 12 share wd usmthg. God answered my prayer when i prayed that i dont have to go to tuition on the 14th. I 12 watch Passion4Christ. At 1st,i thought it was impossible cz nt public holiday. but still pray la.N who knws, today my add maths teacher said next week class post poned. So i can stay for camp. Yipee! Really Praise God for that. God really do answer prayer...^^
Well.. there'r more testimony i wanna share with all of u guys...
hua hua~ God is true one wat...
Taw wei! wei! lol.. challenge God to show Himself to u la..
of course u wun see Him with ur naked eyes.. coz SIN separate us from God..
God is almighty.. if we cnt even use our naked eyes to see sun directly..
then How more abt GOD? He is much much greater than the sun isnt it??
Actually i think ppl will wonder why some ppl lik me la.. so love God huh? dun und kan? coz u nvr try u will nvr knw la.. Ms Sim said.. her fren said, " If u nvr try, u'll nvr know..".. quite true la...
One of my fren so smart har.. wanna "kao" me la.. then use tis method.. 'hey.. why dun u TRY fall in love? so SWEET de..' dun ever tempt me.. ok?
i hv my own stand.. hua hua~ sry... i knw i hurt u..
being so relentless to tat person la.. then now no more fren with me.. knw la.. makes me feel sad lorh.. cnt juz b frens merh? still young wat.. think so far far adi.. so tat's y i dun start any now.. no point.. i knw it clearly if start so young SURE bye bye one.. so i dun wan tat to happen..
So mum doesnt hv to worry la.. i wil guai guai one.. hua hua.. i dun think she will see this.. LOL..
there's something special or different abt Christians n others... Christians ryte.. their standard with the world is lik so different.. the teaching of God is different.. the only religion tat can assure u to hv eternal life with God aft u die.. so it's nt a religion la.. is true de.. If it's not true.. there's no point for me wasting my time tell u all abt tat...
it's nt all abt me... i knw.. "Happy r u when ppl hate u, reject u, insult u, and say tat u'r evil, all bcoz of the Son of Man!(referring to JESUS)" LUKE 6:22
learnt tat during BK.. and our dear principal.. ms Goh.. asked us to lik use the four letters to create a sentence so tat we can easily memories them.. the four letters r H R I E... so i so "38" go n create tis sentence la..
House Rat I Eat... LOL.. Wahuahuahua.. -.-'' SUPER COLD...!!
So.. hope u hv a good laugh... haha..
laughing is good... n smiling is charming.. i believe tat... LOL... (tat's y u see me laughing n smiling unnecessary)
Okla... cut my hair adi... regrettin.. unnecessarily.. cheer up la... Flora Go! Flora.. watever.. lol.. sleepy now..
Hapi B'day to TAW WEI.. dunno u'll see tis or nt..
k.. will continue abt wat happened in CF last Fri.. n wat happen to my Kai Goh.. last Sat...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So emo la... -.-''
Rmbr i asked God to show a way for me for finding a chemi tui tui?
well.. i hv a tuition place adi!
Hallelujah! yes!!
God does hear prayer..
N He will give us the best out of the best...
Sorry God.. i'm so mad with someone today..
but u still showed me the way...
I love U... My God..
Plz help me to stay calm.. LOL...
I'M VERY EMO la...
Oh no... haha... 16th adi.... still so emo..
Low EQ... must train now.. to HIGH EQ....
Ok? Flora, can u do it?
Yes.! try my best la...
hua hua~
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
HARD but it is NOT impossible!
A song which i always sing in my class..
My frens love it so much.. i mean love my voice..
wakaka.. jk jk.. perasan-ing..
Hmm.. still very very busy o..
dun lik F4 sch life.. Over EXHAUSTED juz lik wat u said...
I find out the word "exhausted" is very Interesting..
U knw.. in BM -haus- is thirsty isnt it?
Hence.. EXHAUSTED = extra "haus"(thirsty) - ted...
Amazing ryte? language is FUN ^^
Ok.. wat's the thing which is hard but it is n't impossible..?
tat's Choose to encourage rather than criticize!
"Let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help each others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault"...
there's tis fren who always liks to fight we me by using words..
I dun find it interesting or cool at all...
Tis fren is actually bullyin me.. i feel it tat way.. sorry..
N tat fren "it"-self also confesses.. wat la.. SWT lo..
Hmm.. i really dun lik fightin wif tat fren lo...
Nt fun n it's disturbing me emotionally.. making me feel so BAD..
Y i said it's hard to encourage ppl rather than criticize them?
Tis fren of mine.. FORget my Bday la..
then is tat person promised me bfore tat he wun forget my Bday.. but somehow he did la.. i dun mind actually.. juz tat i feel lik really wanna criticize tat person.. but in the END.. i find pointless doing such silly thing.. coz look at the consequenses...
forgive n encourage = U n I happy..
revenge n criticize = U n I feel bad.. Mayb I FEEL good sometimes.. BUT will feel extremely bad later.. n i may juz hurt him/her for the rest of their lives living a lastin wound... = no point, coz life is abt to love someone rather than hurt someone... [dun wanna hv so much regrets when i knw my days r numbered...]
Hmm.. It's impossible to say Hi without smiling..
Is tat true?
try it.. LOL..
I tried it.. actually is quite fun..
coz i make my frens laugh in the end..
We all tried together n ended up with...
HA HA HA HA... all laughing...
I supposed i will be missing my sch life aft five yrs time..
or even IN shorter time.. ..
Love all my secondary sch frens..
frens will come n go..
But God will nvr change...
the love one might go anytime..
But God will nvr leave us even when we die...
Quite true lo... the pastor said.. no one can teman us die except God..
even everyone dies.. but in the end.. still hv to face death alone..
thk God for i knw God will teman me no matter where i go..
God with us..
"Do not be anxious abt anything.. but in everything.. by prayer and petition... "