well.. overall is abt shopping la.. i supposed...
morning morning i was hvin a meeting in church..
and the.. juz dun lik ppl being LATE! .... =(
no good o...
and aft meeting...
tis fren sms-ed me..
hey.. where r u?
well.. in church GUA~ lol...
and juz so coincident that my fren wants go T.square..
so.. i juz made up my mind to follow...
and u knw wat.. i dun wanna play bowling..
Y???? coz.. sigh* lo.. i cnt afford to carry the bowling ball.. la...
oh no... and the i din play bowling b4 de.. hehe^^
I want someone to teach me personally How to play bowling next time.. only i will play gua.. haha... gua gua..
for some reasons... i juz Teman-ing ppl to buy their baju n so on..
my leg is kinda Masam... lol..
well.. in the end.. i found out sumthing.. knw wat?
T.S. doesnt hv nice food to eat.. =.=''
coz all so exp n nt delicious de..
i cook by my own is better... lol.. [ts.. take my comment n try to improve it ^^ i'm helping u.. hahe...]
there was this "sea-food" gang of ppl walking in ts.. haha.. my fren keeps on say "seafood"~~ so funny la.. they look lik wat u knw? lik the vampire family members in the twilight movie.. got tat "sha qi"...
Hv fun lepak-ing in TS today...
n.. so many leng lui in ts.. hardly find leng zai.. haha...
mayb guys r really few in m'sia? or juz KL area??
hmm.. i will b goin back to hometown tmr.. 25/1.. til duno when la..
hapi b'day to Alex... 25/1 de b'day leng lai.. my brother in Christ :)
Hope u hv a wonderful b'day n hols...
hence [in maths we learn..] =.=''
okay.. no chance to online in penang..
gonna miss u all... my home.. my pillow.. my com.. and the most important one is my frens....
So.. juz dun miss me K?
i will b back safely... hua hua...
kla kla.. talk so long..
hapi chi nw yr... short-form...
may God bless everyone in this earth...
Jia You!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
"halo... 29", "30.."
lol.. well... finally... u c me adi la...
haha.. juz rmbr hw we met for the 1st time la..
FUNNY! lol.. aft so many months only get to c u..
but it's very interesting la.. and wanna apologize for making u waited me for long long loooooooooooooong time.. Pai seh.. [it's all bcoz of one thing.. "misunderstanding"]
Hmm... well.. no nitemare ryte?
lol.. so we hv fulfill our promise by saying 29 & 30..
n the really is fren in real la..
nice to meet u anyway.. ^^
U'r nt a quiet person... hua hua...
take it as a compliment k...
I'll try to get used to the new tuition centre... ...
will get used to it very soon de la..
and sorry.. i always tell ppl to do this N do that.. but i always dun do..
for example.. SLEEP early... lol..
so worn-out recently.. =S
really hv to charge my energy during this chinese new year hols..
So... hope to tell u abt the those ques u asked me...
wish that can hv chance to tell u more..
take care ;)
GBU... .. ... ... ...
lol.. well... finally... u c me adi la...
haha.. juz rmbr hw we met for the 1st time la..
FUNNY! lol.. aft so many months only get to c u..
but it's very interesting la.. and wanna apologize for making u waited me for long long loooooooooooooong time.. Pai seh.. [it's all bcoz of one thing.. "misunderstanding"]
Hmm... well.. no nitemare ryte?
lol.. so we hv fulfill our promise by saying 29 & 30..
n the really is fren in real la..
nice to meet u anyway.. ^^
U'r nt a quiet person... hua hua...
take it as a compliment k...
I'll try to get used to the new tuition centre... ...
will get used to it very soon de la..
and sorry.. i always tell ppl to do this N do that.. but i always dun do..
for example.. SLEEP early... lol..
so worn-out recently.. =S
really hv to charge my energy during this chinese new year hols..
So... hope to tell u abt the those ques u asked me...
wish that can hv chance to tell u more..
take care ;)
GBU... .. ... ... ...
The Prayer story
The Razor story
A 16-year-old boy was finding it annoying that his beard was beginning to grow. He went to his father and asked for a razor. The father saw that he had a need and said “Sure, son. You need it and it’s good for you.”
The boy’s 14-year-old sister saw the razor the brother got and felt jealous. She went to the father and asked for a razor as well saying she wanted it for her beard. The father said, “My girl, you don’t need a razor, besides you may even cut yourself. So, no.”
Their little 6-year-old brother saw his brother’s razor and wanted one. He went to his father and asked for a razor for his beard. The father said, “Ok Son, but you have to wait, you don’t need it yet. Besides you may hurt yourself. I will give it to you at the right time.”
Just like the father in the story, God loves us and wants to give us what’s the best for us. So, his answer to our prayers could be Yes, No or Wait. The key is for us to know that He loves us.
A 16-year-old boy was finding it annoying that his beard was beginning to grow. He went to his father and asked for a razor. The father saw that he had a need and said “Sure, son. You need it and it’s good for you.”
The boy’s 14-year-old sister saw the razor the brother got and felt jealous. She went to the father and asked for a razor as well saying she wanted it for her beard. The father said, “My girl, you don’t need a razor, besides you may even cut yourself. So, no.”
Their little 6-year-old brother saw his brother’s razor and wanted one. He went to his father and asked for a razor for his beard. The father said, “Ok Son, but you have to wait, you don’t need it yet. Besides you may hurt yourself. I will give it to you at the right time.”
Just like the father in the story, God loves us and wants to give us what’s the best for us. So, his answer to our prayers could be Yes, No or Wait. The key is for us to know that He loves us.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hmm.. so it comes to the 2nd week of my f4 sch life...
it's kinda TERRIBLE in the sense that all of us r BUSY lik mad!
And most of my frens agree me with that~ LOL..
I went to kasturi yesterday.. and i met one of my junior.. lol.. she n i was so surprise to see each other.. well.. as what our principal said...
WE ... ...
a. are a family
b. appreciate one another
c. respect one another..
so.. it's juz lik saw a family member in the strange place for me.. so HAPPY.. well well.. n the thing is.. i duno there's such weird rule in kasturi.. changing the classroom each week.. oh dear! i'm so embarrassing.. i like so BLUR.. thk God there's this new leng lui fren that leads me to the ryte cls...
yea.. the prayer story..
tell u next time.. .. ..
but there's 3 ways how God answers prayer..
1st yes
2nd no
3rd WAIT...
remind me to tell the story, k?
Lol... i need to set a reminder first...
take care all my frens ^^
God bless u..
I miss 3S MUCH!!
My kasturi card? lol... 1st time go such a big tuition centre..

This is my first Chinese cls at KL Kasturi.. believe me.. i was amazed by the discipline of the students there.. hey.. u guys r awesome.. the noise level is under control... & the.. there's this leng lui... i din hv her pics la.. she's such a lovely n frenly girl.. Thank God for bringing her as my 1st new fren over there.. well.. she's a Christian too.. what a great news! Now talk abt the teacher there.. hmm.. he's Cikgu Tan.. duno u guys knw him or nt.. he's kinda FUNNY.. lol.. telling all the hot n cold jokes.. i enjoyed the class actually.. ;) Thk God for everything..
it's kinda TERRIBLE in the sense that all of us r BUSY lik mad!
And most of my frens agree me with that~ LOL..
I went to kasturi yesterday.. and i met one of my junior.. lol.. she n i was so surprise to see each other.. well.. as what our principal said...
WE ... ...
a. are a family
b. appreciate one another
c. respect one another..
so.. it's juz lik saw a family member in the strange place for me.. so HAPPY.. well well.. n the thing is.. i duno there's such weird rule in kasturi.. changing the classroom each week.. oh dear! i'm so embarrassing.. i like so BLUR.. thk God there's this new leng lui fren that leads me to the ryte cls...
yea.. the prayer story..
tell u next time.. .. ..
but there's 3 ways how God answers prayer..
1st yes
2nd no
3rd WAIT...
remind me to tell the story, k?
Lol... i need to set a reminder first...
take care all my frens ^^
God bless u..
This is my first Chinese cls at KL Kasturi.. believe me.. i was amazed by the discipline of the students there.. hey.. u guys r awesome.. the noise level is under control... & the.. there's this leng lui... i din hv her pics la.. she's such a lovely n frenly girl.. Thank God for bringing her as my 1st new fren over there.. well.. she's a Christian too.. what a great news! Now talk abt the teacher there.. hmm.. he's Cikgu Tan.. duno u guys knw him or nt.. he's kinda FUNNY.. lol.. telling all the hot n cold jokes.. i enjoyed the class actually.. ;) Thk God for everything..
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Interesting.. hua hua...
hey... Writing my diary here...
hua hua.. I seriously lik to laugh...
First of all... i saw someone adi.. lol... someone, you knw urself la..
Dun hv to mention it.. but the matter is.. i duno that little someone has seen me or not.. Lol... someone for some reasons really look lik how someone is really look like in the pic.. cool...
Yup.. went for the YOUTH alpha traning course somehow.. haha...
U knw what? AMAZINGLY.. i met my sch EX-principal..and 2 EX-st marians.. i'm proud of being a st marian.. well.. hv been doing the orientation for form 1 for the past 4 days.. that's y get addicted to tis word.. isnt it funny?? Actually i HATE to come to st mary in the very very beginning... that's true! BUT BUT BUT BUT... somehow.. somehow la.. i no longer HATE this sch... coz i knw for some reasons... i knw there will b sure a purpose behind everything that happens in my life.. n u knw wat? It's so ROMANTIC.. ah~~ Y? how cum ryte? actually.. it is nt end of the world studying without leng zai-leng zai.. lol.. n one thing.. u will feel more romantic when u knw tat there's a guy loves u even when he din get the chances to see u all the time.. how Romantic is it... well... ehem.. get back to normal now..
This youth alpha (y.a.) course is indeed a great course.. i hv learnt many things throughout the activities n so on.. N i truly see tat our m'sia is lack of ppl that help to extension the kingdom of God.. hmm.. tat's nt so good.. or mayb now still cnt see it.. mayb there r more working hard.. pray that.. N i wanted to do so many things in one day.. 24hrs are truly not enuf for such busy person lik me... but i believe that someone is even worse than me.. So gonna Gambateh everyone! praying for u guys ya ^^
So.. in the end.. dun juz do things for the sake of doing...
THINK.. what's the purpose of doing all the things u do.. n u will find the joy n hapiness doin them... When u knw wat u want... n wat is the main purpose of ur life.. for sure u'll not find ur life MEANINGLESS...
Life is something tat we r exploring everyday.. discovering new things.. how nice is God makes us hv the chance to discover new things by ourselves... If God shows everything in the very beginning.. then no more fun lorh... isnt it ryte? ya.. i'm ryte.. answer myself... yes!
wakakaka.. next time gonna share with u a short story describing how God answers our prayer in three ways.. it's one of the interesting thing i learnt during the y.a. course..
take care everybody.. especially someone.. u knw.. dun gt urself so tired, ok? rest to walk for a longer way.. =)
God bless u.. enjoy ur days ;)
hua hua.. I seriously lik to laugh...
First of all... i saw someone adi.. lol... someone, you knw urself la..
Dun hv to mention it.. but the matter is.. i duno that little someone has seen me or not.. Lol... someone for some reasons really look lik how someone is really look like in the pic.. cool...
Yup.. went for the YOUTH alpha traning course somehow.. haha...
U knw what? AMAZINGLY.. i met my sch EX-principal..and 2 EX-st marians.. i'm proud of being a st marian.. well.. hv been doing the orientation for form 1 for the past 4 days.. that's y get addicted to tis word.. isnt it funny?? Actually i HATE to come to st mary in the very very beginning... that's true! BUT BUT BUT BUT... somehow.. somehow la.. i no longer HATE this sch... coz i knw for some reasons... i knw there will b sure a purpose behind everything that happens in my life.. n u knw wat? It's so ROMANTIC.. ah~~ Y? how cum ryte? actually.. it is nt end of the world studying without leng zai-leng zai.. lol.. n one thing.. u will feel more romantic when u knw tat there's a guy loves u even when he din get the chances to see u all the time.. how Romantic is it... well... ehem.. get back to normal now..
This youth alpha (y.a.) course is indeed a great course.. i hv learnt many things throughout the activities n so on.. N i truly see tat our m'sia is lack of ppl that help to extension the kingdom of God.. hmm.. tat's nt so good.. or mayb now still cnt see it.. mayb there r more working hard.. pray that.. N i wanted to do so many things in one day.. 24hrs are truly not enuf for such busy person lik me... but i believe that someone is even worse than me.. So gonna Gambateh everyone! praying for u guys ya ^^
So.. in the end.. dun juz do things for the sake of doing...
THINK.. what's the purpose of doing all the things u do.. n u will find the joy n hapiness doin them... When u knw wat u want... n wat is the main purpose of ur life.. for sure u'll not find ur life MEANINGLESS...
Life is something tat we r exploring everyday.. discovering new things.. how nice is God makes us hv the chance to discover new things by ourselves... If God shows everything in the very beginning.. then no more fun lorh... isnt it ryte? ya.. i'm ryte.. answer myself... yes!
wakakaka.. next time gonna share with u a short story describing how God answers our prayer in three ways.. it's one of the interesting thing i learnt during the y.a. course..
take care everybody.. especially someone.. u knw.. dun gt urself so tired, ok? rest to walk for a longer way.. =)
God bless u.. enjoy ur days ;)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Who am I?
Mellissa.. i found ur blog!
hua hua.. I'm very Happy ^^
well.. i juz copy a song from her blog..
a very nice song.. ;)
Who am I,
that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I,
that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,
I am Yours
Who Am I,
that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love,
and watch me rise again
Who Am I,
that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,
I am Yours
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,
I am Yours
I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear'
Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
I belong to God :)
No regret!
hua hua.. I'm very Happy ^^
well.. i juz copy a song from her blog..
a very nice song.. ;)
Who am I,
that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I,
that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,
I am Yours
Who Am I,
that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love,
and watch me rise again
Who Am I,
that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,
I am Yours
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours,
I am Yours
I am Yours
I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear'
Cause I am Yours
I am Yours
I belong to God :)
No regret!
Friday, January 2, 2009
2008 moving to 2009...
Hua hua... Bye bye 2008... These pics below.. Hmm.. It's abt my 15?!
Well.. cant imagine i'm 16 NOW! wow wow... (dog?!)
hehe... ACTUALLY.. i dun have to imagine it.. coz i'm 16 now.. =.=''
lol.. i love to b 16.. coz i still can enjoy my secondary sch life n single life as well..
not saying i wun enjoy my life when i'm nt single..
well... just wanna enjoy every years n every level of my life..
I wanna see how God walks with me everyday every moment..
Thank God for bringing me throughout 2008...
thanks to all my frenz too.. as well as my family ^^
Love everybody... muacks!
Smile ppl as f4 gonna b a great year...
think positive.. all the form4 n 5...
Bye bye to my long hair.. SHORT HAIR in 2009!
Well.. cant imagine i'm 16 NOW! wow wow... (dog?!)
hehe... ACTUALLY.. i dun have to imagine it.. coz i'm 16 now.. =.=''
lol.. i love to b 16.. coz i still can enjoy my secondary sch life n single life as well..
not saying i wun enjoy my life when i'm nt single..
well... just wanna enjoy every years n every level of my life..
I wanna see how God walks with me everyday every moment..
Thank God for bringing me throughout 2008...
thanks to all my frenz too.. as well as my family ^^
Love everybody... muacks!
Smile ppl as f4 gonna b a great year...
think positive.. all the form4 n 5...
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